Attributions(what Bob and muckblit did not say):
Lt. Colonel Jim Channon, a member of Aquino's Temple of Set, was in
charge of
Theta Mind control programming at Ft. Lewis, Washington for a time. (34)
Lewis is also one of the locations where the D.C.Sniper suspect John
Muhammad served time in the military. The Theta programming is a branch
Monarch programming related to psychic warfare. " It is the marriage of
practices with state of the art science." (35)

34. Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Total Mind Controlled Slave (Oregon City, OR: self published, 1996)
35. Ibid. p.313
"Vallely and Aquino's MindWar scheme is remarkably similar to the Total
Awareness (TIA)"  -MaryHartman
""staring at animals" has nothing to do with ESP; it is a simple
function of proxemics" -MAquino



"futurethought" -MAquino

Now Bob is saying after reading Mindwar:

The obvious underlying Chinese proverb is not quoted or sourced. Was it
THAT obvious?

Strategic level integration of white pro-pagan-da expertise, according
to prior art:

"Psychological operations (psyops) can be defined as 'the planned use of
and other psychological actions to support a program by influencing the
emotions, attitudes and behavior of the enemy, neutral and friendly
to think and act in a manner which is to our advantage'...propaganda
must be
integrated into the operational and tactical concept...and it must be
adapted to
conform to the traditions, education and thoughts...propaganda must be
on truth(white), so as to establish credibility" -RAShackleton,1964, a
rehab program
much preceding and exceeding the success rate of later Chieu Hoi program
cited by
Aquino, " Chieu Hoi: The Winning Ticket". MACV Command
Information Pamphlet
6-69, March 1969

However, according to Aquino, concerning strategic incentives:

  "10 [MA2003] In 1980 neither PSYOP nor Special Forces were career
branches in the Army.
Rather they were "branch-immaterial", meaning that assignments
to them were relatively
brief and at the long-term risk of promotion within one's basic
branch. Later SF would become
both an officer and an enlisted branch, and PSYOP would gain an enlisted
branch, but PSYOP
does not yet have an officer career branch" -MAquino

(...overtly. Covertly, CIA joint-force SF PSYOP training of officers has
assured that
political-gunny-cadre officers have always been attached as tapeworms
everywhere in
military, reserve, and police)

(Were Fallujah and Hit, Iraq, hospital seizures an argument for or
against that?!)

"(p79)The guerrilla forces built up during the war[WW2] were almost
entirely Chinese...
(p87)1948...Liberation Army...more than 90% Chinese...(p88)alien in
creed and race...
failed to recruit many Malay or Indian"

"Malayan uprising...predominately Chinese[foreign like US in Vietnam and
...C.C. Too[also Chinese but on other side] hate policy[a la Chieu
Hoi and VDP rehab]
...every item of propaganda must be factual and true...months in the
jungle...would be
so starved of news that they would be unable to resist picking up a
leaflet that dealt only
with hard facts(p117-122)...vocational

To Malayan rehab's vocational training and utopian camp life, with land
grants only
for relocated non-combatants to literally move them away from the war,
in Vietnam affirmed land rights to rehabilitating communists. This was
according to centrally intelligent thinking from Ed Lansdale, by a
policy of relocating
Shackleton's Hmongs into the front of the war with their families. Learn
to spot the
centrally intelligent dynamics of war profiteers! Aquino's broadcasting
of the Stars
and Stripes into the hearts and minds by ELF and EMF radiation will be
and counter-productive. "All politics is local". Yankee, go home and get
it right in DC
and in your inner cities and have an election not a coup like 2000 and
AFRICOM remains stuck in Stuttgart, as ice people foreign to Africa.
Without a
beach-head for AFRICOM in Africa, the US has to say that USN bombing and
shelling Somalia, on behalf of radioactive toxic waste dumping in Somali
is acting under "Central Command", or the ice people from Stuttgart
would be
bombing and shelling brown people on behalf of white radioactive waste

"21 Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once
more naturally occurring,
but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy's
Project Sanguine for submarine
communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided
senses, yet their resonant effect upon
the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and
emotional distortion. Infrasound
vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to
align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta
wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to
passivity. Infrasound could be
used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could
be used in conjunction with media
broadcasts as well. See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of
Heaven. New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1978, pages 130-140." -MAquino
"From Salamander Bones to the Seven Towers of Satan.
An essay concerning living bodies' sensitivity to/influence by the
electromagnetic spectrum,
with mention of Project Sanguine and the Woodpecker." -MAquino

Microwaves do not harm bacteria in your yogurt and enzymes in your
fruit? Your morning
Stars and Stripes is still true though transmitted into your heart and
mind via non-lethal ELF
(infrasound) and EMF, and though Red Cross "lies" say 25% of the news
readers of non-lethally
transmitted involuntary media die and if a good many nanowave and
ultrasound listeners are
maimed for life though what they heard was assuredly still true as
spoke symbionesically ethnicentrally familiarly yesterday many years ago
in a bone jar.

Aquino believes the Vietnam war could have been "won" by a foreign
occupier. Aquino
similarly believes that Shock and Awe was a two week trip to an imperial
garden in
an emerald city from which the truth could have been broadcast via ELF
and EMF
and still been the truth, with all of its enzymes and acidiphilous, when
after its
involuntary insertion into hearts and minds by humbly ethnically
filtered foreign
irradiation. "Mimic and weaken", Channon coincidentally said. Just screw
damned 447mm ethno-centric filter on the ELF gun and shoot, boys, they
feel a foreign thing.

Mama, don't let your children grow up to be cowboys. Find an Egyptian
belly dancer
if you want to learn about ancient Egyptian religion. Or read The
Perfectibilists by Terry
Melanson, since the first paragraph of Michael Aquino's introduction to
Mindwar contains
the seeming typo,"futurethought", which sounds for all the world like
what one of Channon's
"evolutionaries" would say. The truth, then, would be what "we", the
evolutionaries, say
the futurethought is! "Might makes right", the platonic darwinists
assert, is, The Truth
which true warriors seek in their much travelling to other peoples'
countries. Thus when
the lion has lain with the lambs for twenty years, futuref**k has
according to Channon
mixed the races, while, coincidentally of course, Aquino has beamed
via ELF(non lethal infrasound) and EMF into all the little lamby lambs,
according to the
Chinese proverb, unless and until they agree with something similar to
the idea that the
US as a foreign occupier ought to and could have "won" the Vietnam war
in the same
sense. It would take pimps about twenty years to convince the owned mind
hoes that The
Man is not now nor at any time has been hazardous to their health, or
or, even nano-hazardous, so until then, boys and girls, fire 'em up,
rope 'em, but don't
dope 'em, because that would be, well, stargatedly unethical and not as
futuref**k American exceptionalist, excuse me, evolutionary, darwinist
neolib space cowboy chauvinism as different guys same uniform f**ked
your brain
with last week in Vietnam.

Don't dope 'em, pimps, broadcast i.e. irradiate their f**kin little hoe
brains until they stop
flip floppin around on the operating table. I mean, not only could the
Vietnam war have
been won, but you sure better agree to that, or, you're lying, ya f**kin
hoe, so take your
vitamins, they're good and ethical for you, says the high priest of
ethics, Michael Aquino,
as it were,  and so it will inevitably seem to Vietnam some day by and
by, eventually,
so help me MacArthur and Willoughby's missionaries, Stephen Shearer and
Aquino, o take me to higher ground cointel west we sing, o Japan and
Vietnam. Hark,
what WMD light in the east China yon window breaks? Mushroom cloud, EMF,
ELF, sing
o WMD boys choir, what delivers it for thee, B25, B29, non-lethal
phaser, beam me up
scottie, with what harmless WMD are MacArthur's and Willoughby's
missionaries singing
the camp now?

Kinder, gentler, littler nano fish buckets, not those mushroom cloud or
WMD fish buckets, no, but these little kindly, gently ethnocentrically
filtered non-lethal
bush weasel buckets, expensive, but they still might kill you(not to say
calling ebazbookas
non-lethal would be a psyop!). Break your window, break your cell wall,
break your DNA,
singe little choir boys in that great Hollywood camp under big bad
differency peril, we just
love the sound of your voice in high C, widely travelled ELF boys WMD
warrior choir.

If you think it would be spamming you to broadcast the unsolicited truth
that the
Vietnam war could have been "won" by foreign occupiers, don't try to opt
out of
ELF and EMF broadcasting of the Stars and Stripes, because if you do,
wounds would be self-inflicted by might, making you right, f**kin mind
assets of Uncle Samhain dos bushido, ha, take that little enemies,
there, and
ELF that, EMF that, and while we're in your head, forget that the Irish
the Palestinians and Vietnamese and Iraqis had no Agent Orange or
blankets or DU dust or white phosphorus or atomic bomb or news media
of the Stars and Stripes via ELF and EMF.

They don't mistreat non-BATF or refusenik officers' children, either,
just microwave
the Stars and Stripes into them, externally by ELF and EMF and
internally by nano
frequency(go now, into a street called Straight, and inquire of one
Alice if there is
any one-one on winning the Vietnam war yet, oops, too many nano volts
for Alice,
which merely affirms Darwin--somebody's dead therefore Darwin is a
natural killer!--
Channon's Darwininian fatalist truthseeker travelled a long way to shoot
nano-volts into
Alice all of her stoplights and intersections). Nobody may be
responsible for implentation
of diametrically opposed white papers and stray bullets and friendly
fire in Iraq, but, we
still have to pay trillions of dollars for all large and small fish
buckets. Still, Mikey gets
evolutionary futurethink points toward his retirement package, as it was
intelligent according to Mindwar that hospitals in Fallujah and Hit were
seized, and all
ages of civilian white phos vics classified as "enemy combatants"--no
vics no censorship.
Somebody did read Mindwar's evolutionary futurethink and implement
at the strategic pre-planning level.

"Some people are too clever for themselves" -Lt Col William Heflin
Dodds, CIA USAF-R,(dec.)

"Please don't call what you do American intelligence" -Mel Gibson, Air
America movie

After a while you can learn to spot centrally intelligent thoughts.
"Symbionese, Process
Church, First Earth, evolutionary, stargate, futurethink, foreign
occupier, Stars and
Stripes now available by ELF and EMF and nano-wave futurethink
Jim Nanny Crow neo-plantation is good, Jim Nanny Crow nano-implantation
better, Stellar contenda Apaxolit Nhu Rebux, kill them all let god sort
them out,
kill the water starve the fish".

A lot of those military reserve units receive orders not to tell their
spouses, families, or
friends that The Agency is really giving those orders. The president is
the president,
right, I mean look at the first paper they got, and it says,"the
president". Then you are
on your way with centrally intelligent thoughts like a foreign occupier
can win in
Vietnam, or, microwaving the Stars and Stripes into somebody else, not
you, will only
kill 25%, maim 50%, and the other 25% will mob Aquino's chew hose
program. Don't lie;
that would mess with the program. We coulda won in Vietnam; that concept
is first
and foremost here at Hill 451 firstearth worksearth futurethink. Don't
plan a future,
think futurethink, asteroids(rockheads!).

"The Propaganda Ministry of Goebbels must not be a part of the American
way of life."

Prescott Bush's associate Joseph Goebbels said that imitating the
American way of life,
specifically in imitating consumer advertising, would key the nazi
takeover. "Repeat
a lie often enough..."; it's called the Big Lie. See George Lakoff and
Noam Chomsky
concerning big lies, and as far as one big dark occult lie and its cult
try Vanity of the Philosopher by Levy and Peart.


--- In, "xe...@..." <xe...@...> wrote:
( in )

Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set
--- In
_IMTI8sTH_KV6eJfqfYgtvlLPB1fMTX5jWSFI5zY0Ig> , "muckblit" <muckb...@...>

> Lt. Colonel Jim Channon, a member of Aquino's Temple of Set

No one named Jim Channon has ever been affiliated or associated with the
of Set. Nor under any alias, for that matter.

> Sometime in late 1980, then-Col. Paul E. Vallely, the Commander of the
> Psychological Operations Group, United States Army Reserve, Presidio
of San
> Francisco, Ca., co-authored a discussion paper, which received wide
> controversial attention within the U.S. military, particularly within
> Operations community. The paper was titled "From PSYOP to MindWar: The
> Psychology of Victory," and it presented a Nietzschean scheme for
> perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations
> and even against the American people.

The _Mindwar_ paper is available here: <>

Please note in particular my current introduction to it. Please also
note that
DoD PSYOP against U.S. citizens was never contemplated, for the simple
that it is strictly prohibited by the federal Smith-Mundt Act:

> Aquino would soon be grabbing headlines, which persisted
> throughout the 1980s, as a leading suspect in a nationwide
> Satanic pedophile ring, that particularly targetted daycare
> centers on such military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio

In fact nothing more than sensationalist/opportunist spinoff of a U.S.
chaplain's attempt to defraud the U.S. government of $3 million in
claims using
his stepdaughter in a scam. See:

> Furthermore, Vallely and Aquino's MindWar scheme is remarkably
> similar to the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program launched
> by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon

Neither I, nor as far as I know General Vallely, had any connection with
and I certainly would not have endorsed it.

> Today, [Vallely] is practicing what he and Satanist Aquino
> preached in the MindWar paper

What Vallely says or does as a civilian is as much his own prerogative
as any
other U.S. citizen's. You can take or leave his opinions as you wish. He
not speak for me today, nor I for him.

Incidentally I am not a "Satanist", since the Temple of Set does not
believe in
any element of Judæo-Christian mythology. It is an ancient Egyptian

> General Vallely, Colonel Alexander, and Lt. Colonel Aquino (ret.)
> are but three leading figures within the Special Operations community,
> who have promoted the application of New Age and outright Satanic
> practices to the art of war, conducting experimental programs aimed
> at creating a Nietzschean "Übermensch warrior." ... Some of the
> top-secret programs funded by taxpayer dollars over the past 25
> years betray a significant degree of outright "spoon-bending" lunacy.

Please see my paper "Project Star Gate: $20 Million Up in Smoke [and

> Others lead directly to the doorsteps of Guantanamo Bay
> and Abu Ghraib military detention centers, where prisoners
> have been turned into human guinea pigs for experimental
> torture techniques, drawn from the same New Age bag of tricks.

I absolutely disapprove of any form of torture. As for PSYOP, it should
be used
only under the strictest ethical standards. Cf.

> the Goat Lab

I am a lifelong animal humanitarian and would never have been involved
in, or
tolerated under my command anything like this. Had I been alerted or
asked, I
could also have saved everyone the trouble, since "staring at animals"
nothing to do with ESP; it is a simple function of proxemics. Cf.

I think that about covers all the points I need to set the record
about. Going to leave this YahooGroup now; just dropped in to post these

Michael A. Aquino

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