Aquino has respect for what he calls "GBM" being conducted on
whatever people. He seems to be advocating psychotronically
weighted GBM, too, which is a disturbing thought because then
we might be looking at psychobiogenically weighted GBM like
911 anthrax Leahy and Daschle serially repeating the Russell Welch
Arkansas state police investigator anthraxing by the usual suspects.

Apparently I was talking about swine flew on April 29, 2009. How
does April 29fit in to the Baxter and U Minn biowar release schedule?


From: Mary Hartman <>
To: Bob D <>
Sent: Thu, November 19, 2009 10:03:12 PM
Subject: Fw: [cia-drugs] Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set

Wow!  You and ruxpert rated a post by Michael Aquino!?  I can't believe he 
would expect anyone here to believe that the DOD has any respect for any 
restrictions on psyops being conducted on US citizens.  

--- On Thu, 11/19/09, <> wrote:

>From: <>
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set
>Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 6:27 PM
>--- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou, "muckblit" <muckb...@.. .> wrote:
>> Lt. Colonel Jim Channon, a member of Aquino's Temple of Set
>No one named Jim Channon has ever been affiliated or associated with the 
>Temple of Set. Nor under any alias, for that matter.
>> Sometime in late 1980, then-Col. Paul E. Vallely, the Commander of the 7th
>> Psychological Operations Group, United States Army Reserve, Presidio of San
>> Francisco, Ca., co-authored a discussion paper, which received wide and
>> controversial attention within the U.S. military, particularly within the 
>> Special
>> Operations community. The paper was titled "From PSYOP to MindWar: The
>> Psychology of Victory," and it presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging
>> perpetual
> psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike,
>> and even against the American people.
>The _Mindwar_ paper is available here:
>http://www.xeper. org/maquino
>Please note in particular my current introduction to it. Please also note that 
>DoD PSYOP against U.S. citizens was never contemplated, for the simple reason 
>that it is strictly prohibited by the federal Smith-Mundt Act:
>http://publicdiplom acy.wikia. com/wiki/ Smith_Mundt_ Act
>> Aquino would soon be grabbing headlines, which persisted
>> throughout the 1980s, as a leading suspect in a nationwide
>> Satanic pedophile ring, that particularly targetted daycare
>> centers on such military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio
>In fact nothing more than
> sensationalist/ opportunist spinoff of a U.S. Arny chaplain's attempt to 
> defraud the U.S. government of $3 million in claims using his stepdaughter in 
> a scam. See:
>http://www.xeper. org/maquino/ nm/PSFSummary. pdf
>> Furthermore, Vallely and Aquino's MindWar scheme is remarkably
>> similar to the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program launched
>> by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon
>Neither I, nor as far as I know General Vallely, had any connection with TIA, 
>and I certainly would not have endorsed it.
>> Today, [Vallely] is practicing what he and Satanist Aquino
>> preached in the MindWar paper
>What Vallely says or does as a civilian is as much his own prerogative as any 
>other U.S. citizen's. You can take or leave his opinions as you wish. He does 
>not speak for me today, nor I for him.
>Incidentally I am not
> a "Satanist", since the Temple of Set does not believe in any element of 
> Judæo-Christian mythology. It is an ancient Egyptian religion.
>> General Vallely, Colonel Alexander, and Lt. Colonel Aquino (ret.)
>> are but three leading figures within the Special Operations community,
>> who have promoted the application of New Age and outright Satanic
>> practices to the art of war, conducting experimental programs aimed
>> at creating a Nietzschean "Übermensch warrior." ... Some of the
>> top-secret programs funded by taxpayer dollars over the past 25
>> years betray a significant degree of outright "spoon-bending" lunacy.
>Please see my paper "Project Star Gate: $20 Million Up in Smoke [and Mirrors]":
>http://www.xeper. org/maquino/ nm/StarGate. pdf
>> Others lead directly to the doorsteps of Guantanamo
> Bay
>> and Abu Ghraib military detention centers, where prisoners
>> have been turned into human guinea pigs for experimental
>> torture techniques, drawn from the same New Age bag of tricks.
>I absolutely disapprove of any form of torture. As for PSYOP, it should be 
>used only under the strictest ethical standards. Cf.
>http://www.xeper. org/maquino/ nm/PSYOPEthics. pdf
>> the Goat Lab
>I am a lifelong animal humanitarian and would never have been involved in, or 
>tolerated under my command anything like this. Had I been alerted or asked, I 
>could also have saved everyone the trouble, since "staring at animals" has 
>nothing to do with ESP; it is a simple function of proxemics. Cf.
>http://www.xeper. org/aquino/ nm/Proxemics. pdf
> think that about covers all the points I need to set the record straight 
> about. Going to leave this YahooGroup now; just dropped in to post these 
> comments.
>Michael A. Aquino

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