ritual abuse and "false" memories, serial child abuse  scandal

describes crimes
Sympathy for the Devil: Ritual Abuse, "False  Memories," and the CIA by 
Nick Bryant

....The ritual abuse  described by the children at the Presidio and West 
Point day care centers was  remarkably similar, so it begs a rather disturbing 
question: Were these children  from disparate geographical locations 
actually abused in the same ritualistic  manner or were they conjuring up the 
same, incomprehensible stories?

In  The Franklin Scandal, I also discuss a cult called the Finders and a 
subsequent  law enforcement investigation into their activities: On February 
4, 1987, a  concerned citizen notified the Tallahassee Police Department that 
he had  observed six white children, poorly dressed, bruised, dirty, and 
behaving like  wild animals, in a Tallahassee park. The children were 
accompanied by two  well-dressed white males driving a white 1979 Dodge van 
Virginia plates.  The Tallahassee police responded to the call and took the 
children and adults  into custody. The children told Tallahassee police they 
were not allowed to live  indoors and were given food only as a reward. The 
Tallahassee police charged the  two adults with felony child abuse, and they 
were held on a $100,000 bond. The  children were placed in protective 

In The Franklin Scandal, I  also discuss the Extreme Abuse Survey (EAS), an 
international online survey for  adult survivors of extreme abuse that was 
conducted between January 1 and March  30 of 2007. The EAS respondents were 
questioned about the use of feces and blood  in their ritual abuse, and 
1,106 of EAS respondents answered the questions  regarding abuse with feces and 
blood. Fifty percent of EAS respondents said that  they had been subjected 
to abuse with feces, and 63% responded that the use of  blood was integral to 
their abuse. So like the victims of the Presidio and West  Point day care 
centers, hundreds of EAS respondents, who come from a myriad of  disparate 
locations around the globe, convey the same horrific, implausible  events....

So the Presidio victims' claim that they were forced to eat  feces and 
drink urine seems preposterous on the surface, but if their  allegations are 
examined in the wider context of extreme abuse or ritual abuse,  the children's 
allegations shed their implausibility, because they are  corroborated by 
multiple sources from widely disparate geographic locations and  points in 
time. However, skeptics of the accounts given by the Presidio victims  and the 
hundreds of other alleged victims who discuss extreme or ritualistic  abuse 
maintain that these memories were planted by therapists--therapists from  
widely disparate geographic locations and points in time....

Despite the  stance of the FMSF and its credential-laden experts, false 
memories or  dissociative amnesia is recognized as a bona fide condition by the 
Diagnostic  and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is the 
bible of  diagnosing psychiatric conditions, whereas the false memory 
syndrome is not.  Moreover, multiple studies have corroborated the realty of 
dissociative amnesia.  A 1995 study, published in the Journal of Traumatic 
Stress, looked at 46  subjects with PTSD. Over time, 35 of the study's subjects 
reported the gradual  emergence of a personal narrative that they believed 
could be defined as an  explicit memory lost to significant or total amnesia, 
and 77% of those subjects  reported confirmation of that particular memory of 
childhood  trauma....

The Freyds recruited Ralph Underwager, a Lutheran theologian  and 
psychologist, and his wife to be co-founders of the FMSF--Underwager and his  
published Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, which accommodated Pamela  
Freyd's initial assault on her daughter's credibility. Underwager would prove 
have a relatively short tenure with the FMSF, because of various statements 
he  made to the press. London's Sunday Times reported that Underwager said  
''scientific evidence'' has shown that 60% of women who are molested as 
children  felt that the experience was good for them--he contended the same 
could be true  for boys....

FMSF Advisory Board members, particularly members who Dr.  Ross connected 
to the CIA's mind control programs, are extremely skeptical or  completely 
disavow dissociation, a mental state where traumatic thoughts,  emotions, 
sensations, and/or memories are compartmentalized, repressed and  actually 
separated from an individual's identity. Though the overwhelming  majority of 
CIA's mind control documentation was ordered destroyed,  bureaucratic 
ineptitude enabled some of it to survive and one set of documents  said 
attention will be given to dissociative states."

In that  specific experiment, the documentation discussed administering 
electric shock,  drugs, hypnosis, and psychological tricks to three 
groups--psychotics, children,  and mediums--to induce various states of 
including multiple  personality, which the researchers thought would enhance 
the subjects'  extrasensory perception.

RITUAL MAGIC: ABUSE - You tube TV show video - describes graphic crimes  of 

describes crimes
Del. doctor indicted in serial child abuse scandal  2/23/10 By RANDALL 
CHASE  - DOVER, Del. (AP) - Prosecutors expect to add  more counts to a lengthy 
indictment against a Delaware pediatrician charged with  serial molestation 
of 103 children as investigators urge former patients and  parents to come 
forward. A grand jury returned a 160-page indictment Monday  against Dr. Earl 
Bradley of Lewes with 471 counts of sexual  crimes....

Announcing the grand jury's indictment, Attorney General Beau  Biden said 
all of the alleged victims, mainly girls but including one boy, were  caught 
on more than 13 hours of video recordings, some dating to  1998....

The indictment alleges Bradley was videotaping his sexual  exploitation of 
patients as far back as December 1998. Many victims were  assaulted 
repeatedly, some on consecutive days, according to the indictment,  which 
that one girl was raped more than a dozen times over a period that  lasted 
more than a year....

After years of suspicions among parents and  questions about his strange 
behavior from colleagues, Bradley was arrested after  a 2-year-old girl told 
her mother that the doctor hurt her in December when he  took her to a 
basement room of his office after an exam.

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