Report: Bush Lawyer Said President Could Order  Civilians to Be
19 Feb  2010 The  chief author of the Bush administration's "torture
memo" told Justice  Department  investigators that the president's
war-making authority was so broad  that he had  the constitutional power
to order a village to be "massacred," according  to a  report released
Friday night by the Office of Professional  Responsibility.  Pressed on
his views in an interview with OPR investigators, former  Justice 
lawyer John Yoo was asked: "What about ordering a village of  resistants
to be  massacred? ... Is that a power that the president could
legally--"  "Yeah,"  Yoo replied, according to a partial transcript
included in the report.  "Although, let me say this: So, certainly, that
would fall within the  commander-in-chief's power over tactical
decisions." "To order a  village of  civilians to be [exterminated]?"
the OPR investigator asked again.  "Sure," said Yoo.


U.S. plans for possible delay in Iraq  withdrawal
22202933.html>  23 Feb 2010 The U.S.  military has  prepared contingency
plans to delay the planned withdrawal of all combat  forces  in Iraq,
citing the prospects for political instability and increased  violence 
as Iraqis hold national 'elections' next month. Under a deadline set by 
President Obama, all combat forces are slated to withdraw from Iraq by 
the end  of August, and there remains heavy political pressure in
Washington and  Baghdad  to stick to that schedule. But Army Gen. Ray
Odierno, the top U.S.  commander in  Iraq, said Monday that he had
briefed officials in Washington in the  past week  about possible
contingency plans

Iran grounds plane with Rigi holding US-issued  passport
<>  23
Feb 2010 Iran's security  officers  grounded the plane carrying the
ringleader of Jundullah terrorist group  Abdolmalek Rigi in one of
Iran's southern ports, informed sources say.  As  initial reports
indicated that Iran's most wanted man was captured on a  flight 
en-route to Kyrgyzstan from Dubai, a source talking to Press TV on 
condition of  anonymity confirmed that Rigi and one of his deputies were
captured  after their  plane was brought down by security forces in an
airport in the Iranian  Persian  Gulf city of Bandar Abbas. Iran's
intelligence minister says the leader of Jundallah terrorist group was
at a US base  in  Afghanistan 24 hours before his capture, in possession
of a  US-issued, forged Afghan passport.

Hamas to EU: Put Israel on terrorism  list
n-terrorism-list>  [Add the US, too.] 22  Feb 2010  Hamas asked the
European Union to include Israel on a list of countries  that  support
terrorism. "We urge the EU to include the Zionist entity on the  list of
countries that support terrorism, as it represents a threat to 
international  peace," Hamas said in a statement released Monday. Hamas
has accused  Israel of  being responsible for last month's assassination
of a Hamas commander,  Mahmoud  al-Mabhouh, in a Dubai hotel.

Rachel Corrie's family bring civil suit over  human shield's death in
Gaza <>
--Parents  want case  to highlight events that led to American
activist's death under Israeli  army  bulldozer 23 Feb 2010 The family
of the  American  activist Rachel Corrie, who was killed by an Israeli
army bulldozer in  Gaza  seven years ago, is to bring a civil suit over
her death against the  Israeli  defence ministry. The case, which begins
on 10 March in Haifa, northern  Israel,  is seen by her parents as an
opportunity to put on public record the  events that  led to their
daughter's death in March 2003.

Nato air strike kills 27 civilians in  Afghanistan
-air-strike-kills-27-civilians-in-Afghanistan.html>  --A Nato air strike
has  killed at  least 27 civilians including women and a child who were
travelling in a  convoy  of minibuses. 22 Feb 2010 The botched  attack
on  Sunday was the third 'mistaken' strike in a week and threatened to 
further  strain relations between the Nato powers and President Hamid
Karzai's  administration. General Stanley McChrystal, the senior
coalition  commander in  Afghanistan, personally apologised to the
president hours after the  deaths, but  the Afghan cabinet on Monday
condemned the attack as "unjustifiable".  Nato had  mistaken the convoy
in Uruzgan province as carrying militants towards a  base.

At least seven civilians killed in Helmand  blast
elmand-blast-1907707.html>  23 Feb 2010 A  remote-controlled 
[Blackwater?] bomb killed at least seven Afghan civilians and wounded 14
in  front of a government building in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday, a
government  official said. The blast was in Lashkar Gah, capital of
Helmand,  Afghanistan's  most violent province. Nato-led troops are in
the 10th day of an  operation to  flush the Taliban out of nearby Marjah
district, where the militants had  set up  their last big stronghold in

US to launch major campaign in Afghanistan in  next 18 months
istan-in-next-18-months/582823/>  22 Feb 2010 US and  NATO forces  are
all set to roll out an "intensive 18-month" ground campaign in 
Afghanistan  to stamp out Taliban and al-Qaeda militants, top US
generals have said  warning  the insurgents that Marjah offensive was
just the start. "Marjah  campaign where  the Taliban resistance has only
been disjointed is just an initial  operation of  what will be a 12 to
18 month campaign to overrun the Taliban," General  David  Petraeus, the
head of US Central Command told NBC television's 'Meet The  Press' 
programme. [Gee, looky here. There's *lots* of money to spend on 
mercenaries  to preserve the opium and gas pipelines in Afghanistan,
right?  --LRP]

Shooting at Luke Air Force Base kills 1,  injures another
e-base-shooting.html>  23 Feb 2010 One man  was killed  and another man
injured late Monday when they drove a stolen car through  the  Luke Air
Force Base security gate and were shot by guards there,  officials said.
The stolen vehicle broke through the gate about midnight and was about 
to cross  a bridge that connects the two parts of the base when the
shooting  occurred,  said Capt. Jerry Gonzalez, a spokesman for Luke.
Base security had set  up a  barricade on the bridge and at least one of
the guards opened fire when  the  vehicle drove toward the security
personnel, authorities said.

Daughter says pilot in Texas IRS crash was a  hero
<>  22 Feb
2010 The daughter of a  man who  crashed his small plane into a building
housing offices of the Internal  Revenue  Service called her father a
hero for his anti-government views but said  his  actions, which killed
an IRS employee, were "inappropriate." Joe Stack's  adult  daughter,
Samantha Bell, spoke to ABC's "Good Morning America" from her  home in 
Norway. Asked during a phone interview broadcast Monday if she 
considered her  father a hero, she said: "Yes. Because now maybe people
will listen."

Heads up!  US pharmaterrorists working on a new pandemic to create
vaccine demand:   Deadly Hybrid Flu Possible
--Stronger strain could develop if avian, seasonal  viruses  combine,
scientists warn 22 Feb 2010  Research in  mice [to create a new
pandemic] suggests the avian flu virus and the  ordinary  seasonal flu
virus could combine to create a new deadly kind of flu,  researchers 
say. A single bit of genetic material from the seasonal virus converted 
the  avian flu -- officially known as H5N1 -- into a very dangerous
form, the   scientists report in a study published in the Feb. 22-26
online edition  of the  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

US school district spied on students through  webcams, court told
ebcams>  --Pennsylvania  district  accused of using remote-control
laptops to photograph teenage students  at home  without their knowledge
19 Feb  2010 A school district in Pennsylvania spied on students through
web  cameras  installed on laptops provided by the district, according
to a class  action  lawsuit filed this week... According to student
Blake Robbins, assistant   principal Lindy Matsko said the school had
retained the ability to  activate the  laptop webcams remotely, at any
time. Backed by his parents, Robbins  filed a  lawsuit on behalf of all
students provided with laptops by the school.  The suit  claims that
since the laptops were used by students and their friends  and family 
at home, images of "compromising or embarrassing positions, including 
... in  various states of undress" have been captured.

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Legitimate Government ® All rights  reserved

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