NatSec Threat: GS no-renogiation clause in tandem GS "own" feds

I had to get to formal eviction stage to notice that GS is
implying they control FMAC/FNMA and to connect their
no-loan-adjust clause in mortsecs with suicides. I may
lose my house but I can tell what I have learned at the
front. A man just killed himself in my neighborhood, and
many people are shooting themselves at the sign of the
twisted cross formed by CIA Chantilly, the local cub scout
blue building descended like Quigley-RIIA-CFR-Clinton
Civitas Dei from Xe[T] heaven and four surrounding
crematoria. Louisiana racist killer cops have bought a
.50 caliber(half inch bullet) heavy military machine gun
to show how sorry they are for ambushing fed(FEMA,FNMA,
FMAC,GoldmanSack,WarSeller) vics. At least the war seller
utopian gun nut dimension does show us that our declared
enemy is not just the goldsmiths but our good old boy WASP
and Roman Catholic white war sellers! Hallelujah we are
not anti-semitic then.

My two latest insights are that the increasing suicides around here,
including one in my neighborhood, and a bank robbery when beside
SBX when I went there to read books, are due to inflexibility of GS'
contract with mortsec buyers promising no loan renegotiation.

Second realization is that to say that generates evidence that GS
controls FMAC/FNMA, the goldsmith's warehouse not containing
enough dust(real estate equity) to support all the representations.

Goldsmiths generated too much nominal face value for gold dust
in FNMA/FMAC, which no-reneg clause proves they think they
own or control. Means by which too much face value represented
out of that goldsmith warehouse was no income check leading to
counting rents as income, then that plus jumbo and no-down loans
turning homeowners into multi-home speculators bidding against
each other with the same new loan potential.

Valuations ratcheted up, GS backdoored the new money out in
form of mortsec with promise not to allow loan renegotiation
but that knowing that the underlying was inflated 2x to 4x from
1999 by specific methods I have just described. AIG insurance
does not base GS' promise to not allow loan renegotiation, but
rather they control the top positions at FMAC/FNMA and then
FMAC/FNMA can forbid mortg banks to reneg loans if they
want FMAC/FNMA to "insure(share notes out the GS backdoor)".

Then when rents stopped rising to cover inflating valuations,
valuations leveling off popped the speculative bubble and
loans could not flex down to reflect new valuations so suicide
and eviction and homelessness and Louisiana cops bought
a .50 caliber(half an inch diameter bullets) heavy military
machine gun to keep evicted people from crossing the
bridge to get to work(previously they killed six unarmed
non-looters post-Katrina and machine gun shows they're
in denial and adopting the eviction cover for racism and
genocide and I think that's typical of gun nut police-military
keynesian Israeli-style security based utopian economy--
see Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine: Disaster Capitalism).

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