Iran takes the uranium and puts it right out in the open.  Makes a thing
of it.

NYTimes does a beautiful job spinning it.  Saturday edition, front page.
(Sat least read they did not want to push it.)
The spin is this: “Oh, we are so confused, we don’t understand what this

The obvious is: Iran: “You would not dare.”
And we wouldn’t: hence spin.

And now they play the alternate media like lap dogs.  Just put some nukes
in Garcia and let it out.
The coming peace is far more frightening than war.

> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "James Morris"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
> Subject: US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for
> coming attack on Iran
> US shipping powerful bunker buster bombs to Diego Garcia for coming attack
> on Iran
> Additional via http://AMERICA-HIJACKED.COM

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