I am now assuming that you are not actively driving a cab in DC.  Correct?
I wrote my 'The Fall of Norfolk' piece after I was out of area.  Kept my
mouth shut there on most things.
But we had codes for shootings over radio, "Happy human activity on 29th
Bay."  Meaning best to stay away from there.

There is massive change at top.  Internet is taking its toll.  Few in
alternate media even see this.
And yes, inside military taking control.  General McCrystal now has the
power that generals would have, not Joint Forces Command confusion.
Alternate media sees much of the Israel vs US snippy match more just for
show not looking at why.  The 'why' is Internet.
Thank you for keeping me up.
You were doing something else.

> I was supposed to wait ten minutes but after two hours I left.
> It all depends whether I would leave or not. The person did
> show up after that, and then two or three van loads of
> undercovers jumped out and next day, a horse-mounted
> cop. The current story about Fellowship and Friends low
> rent for rightwing congressmen(doesn't sound low to me!)
> is C St SW too but on the other side of the Anacostia River
> in Capitol Hill.
> After reading your piece about the third time, here's related
> news. Something about Denmark and Russia meeting in a
> curiously limited group, probably Canada, maybe Iceland.
> Then Gates limits retired generals pay and conflicts of
> interest when consulted. Army ranked over other services
> in new/reverted chain of command at Pentagon. Plus
> a few other things like Israel embarrassing US with Gaza
> attacks and Obama turning on the implacability with Iran
> like Bush with Saddam.
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20100401\
> &articleId=18435
> http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/2010-04-01-mentors_N.htm
> http://www.roryoconnor.org/blog/2010/03/30/media-mutes-generals-afghan-a\
> dmission
> http://voices.washingtonpost.com/federal-eye/2010/03/eye_opener_pentagon\
> _changes_li.html
> http://wsws.org/articles/2010/apr2010/bara-a03.shtml
> http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=122339&sectionid=351020101
> http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=jd4ZvEzxajD4p9dUu\
> D5vKRvVqtkO8Iys
> http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=3wOW8jKfM2o8sjGK6\
> 4D87xvVqtkO8Iys
> http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=oypImcpdoRs45yJJ5\
> 4h9LRvVqtkO8Iys
> http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/foreclosure-experts-forecast-exp\
> losive-numbers-in-homelessness-89532782.html
> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/31/science/earth/31energy.html?emc=na
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, micha...@... wrote:
>> > A few days ago there was quite a bit of shooting on Howard
>> Don't know who wrote paragraph below but the phrase "...no show..."
> got me
>> thinking he might really know what he is talking about.
>> as:
>> http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/TheFall5.htm
>> I've "...slowed my roll...".
>> Michael
>> > Road, where another good samaritan like me received a shot
>> > over the bow and I was called out by name and several men
>> > came down and I casually looked them in the eye and went
>> > about my business, slowly. I was getting attention because
>> > I gave a ride to somebody they regarded as a rat for calling
>> > cops on them because they were using the interior stairs
>> > for seating for a social club, no problem, but were verbally
>> > intimidating and scared a resident into having police ban
>> > them from the stairs. They shoot in the air after cop cars
>> > pass with their lights flashing, many times. I waited on
>> > another corner for a person to show up, and an undercover
>> > (I did not know so) asked if I wanted him to unlock the
>> > building front door but I declined the offer. A rented van
>> > asked a woman on the corner who I was, which did not
>> > make sense right away, but then after a no-show I decided
>> > to leave and then pretty soon the police jumped out all
>> > over with guns drawn and stayed into the next day when
>> > a horse-mounted cop joined in. Not sure what that was
>> > really about, and police so far do not say they know of a
>> > motive for tonight's driveby.

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