Hi All,
I hope this isn't a 'didn't read the docs right issue', but I've googled 
extensively and been unable to fix it.  I'm currently running into issues 
trying to join a box to a Windows 2008 SP2 domain. The error I'm receiving is:
# smbadm join -u administrator apics.co.uk
After joining apics.co.uk the smb service will be restarted automatically.
Would you like to continue? [no]: yes
Enter domain password:
Joining apics.co.uk ... this may take a minute ...
failed to join apics.co.uk: UNSUCCESSFUL
Please refer to the system log for more information.

>From /var/adm/messages
Feb  8 17:51:16 mole smbd[29221]: [ID 526780 daemon.notice] Failed to establish 
NETLOGON credential chain
Feb  8 17:51:16 mole smbd[29221]: [ID 871254 daemon.error] smbd: failed joining 
apics.co.uk (UNSUCCESSFUL)
Feb  8 17:51:16 mole idmapd[8960]: [ID 694198 daemon.notice] Configuration 

I've checked and KB951191 is installed on the DC (part of SP2), however I 
believe it should function as I'm running the latest dev release. 
Note: I've also executed as per
# sharectl set -p lmauth_level=2 smb

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards

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