On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Jordan Brown <jordan.br...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 07/18/11 15:29, Nico Williams wrote:
>> To be fair we had the same problem with Kerberos.  The way this is
>> solved is to create the necessary information.  For Kerberos one way
>> to do that is to use the pam_krb5_migrate(5) module.  You could
>> implement the same solution for a NIS or RFC2307bis+ based
>> "workgroup".
> The problem is getting the required write access to the name service.  It
> might be possible to get better behavior in some cases, but my bet is that
> we couldn't get anywhere near 100%.  For instance, I'm pretty sure that
> Oracle's internal NIS infrastructure is populated from some other database,
> and that there's simply no way to write to it.

So you give the customer a hook for this, and let them do what they
have to to update NIS (or LDAP, or whatever).

> We could, in theory, augment our various directory subsystems to directly
> support NT hashes, maintaining them whenever a user is created or a password
> is changed.  We could then change Solaris to take advantage of that
> information.


> However, it's worth noting that the fact that NT hashes need to be kept
> secret already gives our security people heartburn, even in the very limited
> way that we support them today (in an only-root-can-read file). Putting them
> into a directory in a secure way would be ... tricky.

Are you sure that the issue isn't *how* you store them, rather than
*that* you store them?  We never had any other such issues with
storing secrets (think of keytab files).

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