Iraq ready to accept Baathist civil servants

IRAQ'S Prime Minister and President have approved a draft law allowing many 
former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party to return to their government 
The legislation, seen by the US as crucial to pacifying Iraq, will go to 
parliament as soon as it is reviewed by cabinet officials, according to a 
spokesman for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the US-led occupation authority stripped 
thousands of members of Saddam's ruling Baath Party, most of them Sunni Arabs, 
of their government jobs.

The law has been a target of criticism by the minority Sunnis, whose most 
aggrieved elements have fought a bloody insurgency against the Shiite-led Iraqi 
Government and US forces.

"This law will be a pillar in building national reconciliation and in starting 
the process of healing and rehabilitation," Mr Maliki and President Jalal 
Talabani said in a statement announcing the draft's completion.

Under US pressure, Mr Maliki agreed last year to address the issue of former 
Baathists by early this year. Some US officials had recently warned that 
efforts were stalled.

The draft, released by the US embassy yesterday, would let all but the three 
highest levels of Baathists return to their jobs, provided they had not been 
involved in criminal activity. All those who lost jobs would collect a pension. 
It was unclear how many former Baathists would benefit from the legislation.

Mr Maliki's political adviser, Sadiq al-Rikabi, said the draft would probably 
go before Parliament this week and top officials would pressure lawmakers to 
pass it quickly.

Sunni lawmaker Alaa Makki, who had not seen the draft, said he expected it to 
generate debate in Parliament. But he said an agreement could "reactivate" a 
political process that has often been paralysed by sectarian divisions.

"A lot of people really were wrongly punished," he said. "It will be a positive 
sign of political success if this law is passed and accepted. And many people 
will get to reconciliation."

Outgoing US ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad called for such a measure on Monday in 
a farewell news conference, at which he repeatedly urged Iraqi leaders to 
quickly resolve their differences or risk losing American support.

"The members of the coalition, as well as other countries, have made enormous 
sacrifices to give Iraq a chance to build a stable and democratic order," Mr 
Khalilzad said. "Iraqis must not lose this opportunity and they must step up 
and take the tough decisions necessary for success."

Mr Khalilzad, 56, who leaves his post after 21 months and is expected to be 
approved as the US ambassador to the United Nations, gave a restrained 
appraisal of the prospects for stability. He pointed to a 25 per cent drop in 
violence in Baghdad under a six-week-old security plan. But he said he had a 
"caveated optimism" that the country would make progress as quickly as 
Americans wanted it to.


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