Poison used in China is found in U.S.-made animal feed

By Andrew Martin Published: May 31, 2007

NEW YORK: Ever since pet food contaminated with an industrial chemical was 
traced to shipments of wheat flour from China, U.S. officials have concentrated 
on cracking down on imports.

It turns out the problem was closer to home, too.

U.S. officials said Wednesday that a manufacturing plant in Ohio was using the 
same banned substance, melamine, to make binding agents that ended up in feed 
for farmed fish, shrimp and livestock.

The problem surfaced after a distributor, concerned about what was in its feed 
after the reports from China, sent the product to a private laboratory for 

The melamine was used by Tembec BTLSR, a Canadian forest products company with 
a small chemical plant in Toledo, Ohio, to make binding agents that keep 
pellets of animal feed together, said David Acheson, assistant commissioner for 
food protection at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

 Melamine is not permitted in food or pet food products. In the past few 
months, pet food contaminated with melamine, traced back to China, sickened or 
killed thousands of pets in the United States.
Acheson said the levels of melamine and melamine-related compounds in Tembec's 
products were far lower than those found in wheat flour from China that ended 
up killing the pets. Consequently, the authorities said, they thought the 
contamination did not appear to pose a risk to human health.

Nevertheless, the FDA issued a voluntary recall of finished feed made with two 
binding agents: Aquabond and Aqua-Tec II, which are made by Tembec and used in 
fish and shrimp feed.

A third product, Xtra-Bond, which is made by Uniscope, a Colorado firm, called 
using Tembec ingredients, was not recalled because the levels of melamine were 

Uniscope is the distributor of all three products. Aquabond and Aqua-Tec II are 
mostly sold outside the United States; Xtra-Bond is sold inside the United 
States. FDA officials are alerting the foreign governments that received the 
products, Acheson said.

The investigation began on May 18 when Uniscope alerted the FDA that it had 
discovered melamine in the testing. Acheson said the investigation was in its 
early stages, and some questions remained unanswered, like how long Tembec used 
melamine in its products and the extent of the contamination.

"What Tembec knew, didn't know, what their activities were, is part of the 
investigation," Acheson said at a news conference. Earlier, he said, "It's hard 
to believe that a manufacturer of pet food would not know about this."

Federal officials said criminal prosecution was an option in the Tembec case. 
They also said they had already been contacting pet food manufacturers in the 
United States to make sure they were aware of the sources of their ingredients.

John Valley, Tembec's executive vice president for business development and 
corporate affairs, said his company thought that Uniscope was shipping the 
binders overseas for use as shrimp feed. Once the FDA told it that the binders 
were being used domestically, Tembec stopped making them with melamine, Valley 

Tembec makes resins and certain chemicals for industrial uses, including 
melamine. Valley said Uniscope was the only customer that used its products for 
animal feed.

Asked why it was all right to use melamine in feed for shrimp overseas but not 
in the United States, he said: "Melamine has just really had a focus that's 
come upon it. A lot of companies and agencies are reviewing certain 
applications of melamine."

The pet food scandal has led to increased scrutiny of all food imports, 
particularly those from China, and threatened trade relations. Some members of 
Congress have demanded tougher inspections of food imports from China.

"This recent incident goes to show that we apparently have some bad actors out 
there," said Michael Doyle, director of the Center for Food Safety at the 
University of Georgia. "It can happen in the United States."

But Doyle pointed out that the incidence of food illness remains relatively 
rare in the United States.

The problem with the Tembec binders surfaced after Uniscope, based in 
Johnstown, Colorado, decided to test the binders.

"They just asked themselves: 'I wonder what's in this stuff. I wonder if we 
have anything in here that shouldn't be in here,' " said Charlie Russell, a 
company spokesman. "So they sent some samples to a lab."

Tembec has been a supplier to Uniscope since January 2004, Russell said. 
Employees at Uniscope, which was founded in 1975 and is family-owned, thought 
they were buying a resin that was fit for animal consumption, Russell said.

Uniscope sells the binders to feed manufacturers that mix them with grain and 
other ingredients to make food pellets for livestock and fish, he said. The 
binders are sold both domestically and abroad, Russell said.

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