Thursday 18 October 2007 (07 Shawwal 1428)

      Muslim Girls With Henna Barred From Indian School
      Shahid Raza Burney, Arab News 
      PUNE, 18 October 2007 - Muslims were up in arms against a Parsi-run 
school here after it suspended more than 170 Muslim students on Tuesday for 
painting henna on their hands during Eid.

      The parents were shocked when the Sardar Dastur Girls High School stopped 
the students from attending classes for seven days. The school management had 
earlier said that according to school rules, applying henna on hands was not 

      When Arab News sought the comment of State Education Minister Vasant 
Purke on the issue, he said, "Strong disciplinary action will be taken against 
the school for issuing such an irresponsible order.

      "I have ordered the deputy director of education to issue a notice to the 
school immediately."

      Purke said the school authorities should have explained the matter to the 
parents rather than taking action against the students.

      Taken aback by the outrage, the school management withdrew the order 
yesterday morning. Girish Gulathi, chief administrative officer of the school, 
said the suspension order had been withdrawn and all students could attend the 

      Asked if action would be taken against the headmistress of the school, 
Gulathi said, "It will take some time." Students, who were stopped from 
attending classes, were worried they would miss the oral examination scheduled 
for next Monday.

      A delegation of parents met school Headmistress Arnita Batra earlier but 
she refused to budge saying the move was aimed at enforcing discipline. "Word 
needs to be sent across among students and parents about adhering to rules and 
maintaining discipline.

      "Our school is known for its high standard of discipline and any 
violation would not be tolerated at any cost. Allowing them to attend classes 
will send a wrong signal to other students." 

      Batra stressed that the school rules did not allow students to apply nail 
polish, henna or wear any jewelry when coming to school.

      Fatima Syed, a four-year-old student said, "Madam scolded and warned us 
to remain out of school until the henna color fades. Don't come to the school 
till Monday," she said.

      Altaf Shaikh, whose two daughters were suspended, said: "There is no 
clause mentioned in the school rules that bars application of henna on hands. 
On Eid, Muslim girls decorate their hands with henna.

      "Had we been forewarned, we would not have done it. The school action is 
too extreme. The management should sack Batra," he demanded

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