Refleksi: Di antara Negara-negara berpenduduk mayoritas beragama Islam yang 
mempunyai hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel adalah Turki., tetapi kedudukan 
Turki lebih istimewa bila dibandingkan dengan Yordania, Mesir atau Mauretania, 
karena mempunyai perjanjian militer dengan Israel. Mereka mengadakan latihan 
milter bersama dan pesawat militer Turki dapat mendarat di Irael dan 

            Last update - 08:27 11/04/2008     

      Turkey seeks to block Knesset debate on Armenian genocide  
      By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent  
      Tags: Armenia, Israel, Turkey 

      The chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the Turkish 
parliament, Hasan Murat Mercan, has asked the Prime Minister's Bureau to cancel 
a scheduled discussion in the Knesset on the Armenian genocide. 

      Mercan was in Israel this week at the head of a Turkish parliamentary 
delegation for talks with their Israeli counterparts. 

      Talks included discussions on Iran, the Palestinians and Syria, but the 
main issue the Turkish delegation raised was an upcoming Knesset debate on the 
Armenian genocide. 
      "The Armenian issue is very sensitive for Turkey," the visitors told 
Yoram Turbowicz and Shalom Turgeman, two of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's most 
senior aides, adding that, "We would prefer if this discussion would not take 
place at this time in the Israeli parliament because it may harm the relations 
between the two countries." 

      Turbowicz offered Israel's official response, that the issue needed to be 
resolved between Turkey and Armenia in a professional manner, through the 
involvement of historians. 

      "Israel certainly recognizes the strategic importance of its relations 
with Turkey, but there are subjects and parliamentary initiatives that are not 
related to the government," Turbowicz said. "As a government, we have no 
interest in undermining our ties with Turkey." 

      "I am convinced that Israel recognizes the negative implications this may 
have on ties between the two countries," Mercan said 


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