Boleh dapat referensi lewat terawang nda?

sementara diskusi di FB,

Bung reonald wrote:

The strangest thing that I saw was the definite answer that the next president 
was NOT a man. And it was given AFTER the name Prabowo had come up as having a 
chance to become the next president. I was bewildered, schocked... -- Yes, I 
saw a "man" in the cards, but the answer as a whole to the question whether the 
next president was a man was NO. At that point I queried whether Mas Bowo was 
still married, and got a reply that he was now single. I was relieved, yet I 
could "sense" something deeper to that point which I don't want to talk about 
in public. What I revealed just facts coming up at the occasion and NOT my 
deeper hunch whcih I might say privately to whomever asked... You were CORRECT 
to say that our next president SHOULD combine BOTH the qualities of the Empress 
and the Magus, feminine AND masculine, the spiritual qualities of BOTH sexes. 
It's very difficult, though. Only persons who have already had their own 
portion of hell and come up alive could fill the slot... -- Five of Wands means 
terrible competition, hard work, but only HALF measure. It could meand idle 
capacity also because Ten of Wands is exactly twice of that. Efforts could 
still be raised, doubled up... --Five of Pentacles is a very gloomy prediction 
since it means poverty, lack of conveniences in general which, as a matter of 
conjecture, should also mean OPPORTUNITY to start anew from scratches. When 
things have hit rock bottom, people MIGHT be easier to persuade to abandon old 
methods. So, half efforts and half gains. -- The other elements missing are Air 
and Water. So, there will be ample opportunities to supply thoughts, decisions, 
etc... provided that empathy be offered to all those concerned. --In a 
nutshell, we are in shambles, no leadership at all, even until now. But the 
opportunity is always there, especially AFTER Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) 
becomes US president. I see LIBERAL REVOLUTIONS spreading like wildfire among 
the developing countries, including Indonesia. If so, why not ?

someone wrote:
hahahaha ... prabowo? boleh juga ramalannya. muda, background militer, bad boy 
di masa orba (anak begawan ekonomi yang berani kawin sama anak presiden petani) 
dan terus trying to become good guy dengan "kabur" ke luar negeri (dan menjadi 
"pengamat" indonesia), sekuler, businessman ... apalagi, ya? yang penting bisa 
nyewa PR yang bagus aja buat polishing his shits. hehehe ... terus soal laki 
perempuan, yaaa ... secara dia single, bisa aja dikategoriin laki atau 
perempuan. jadi klop tuh! :P



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: hendri simatupang 
  Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:40 AM
  Subject: Re: milis adalah media tumpah ruwah Re: CiKEAS> Re:Oooooooooppss

        so..mari kita buka ruang baru..
        menurut anda apakah SBY - Kalla masih layak jadi Pres/Wapres..kedepan
        Saya hanya mengajukan satu nama Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono, kalo dia mau 
jadi caleg bakal akan jadi presiden 2009.




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