Mengenai terawang menerawang, aku denger dari tetangga, hanya koq masih
Jadi mending nanti aja kalo dah makin deket, pasti makin keliatan.

aku suka nerawang lintang, koq.

--- In, "Frans J Santoso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mas/mbak broercharlie, met kenalan, aku kesasar kesini : di pelet
> Ivonne.
> Salam Sejati
> ini FITNA yang sengaja.
> --- In, "Ch @ Bisnis_Center" broercharlie@
> wrote:
> >
> > Boleh dapat referensi lewat terawang nda?
> >
> > sementara diskusi di FB,
> f
> >
> > Bung reonald wrote:
> >
> > The strangest thing that I saw was the definite answer that the next
> president was NOT a man. And it was given AFTER the name Prabowo had
> come up as having a chance to become the next president. I was
> bewildered, schocked... -- Yes, I saw a "man" in the cards, but the
> answer as a whole to the question whether the next president was a man
> was NO. At that point I queried whether Mas Bowo was still married,
> got a reply that he was now single. I was relieved, yet I could
> something deeper to that point which I don't want to talk about in
> public. What I revealed just facts coming up at the occasion and NOT
> deeper hunch whcih I might say privately to whomever asked... You were
> CORRECT to say that our next president SHOULD combine BOTH the
> of the Empress and the Magus, feminine AND masculine, the spiritual
> qualities of BOTH sexes. It's very difficult, though. Only persons who
> have already had their own portion of hell and come up alive could
> the slot... -- Five of Wands means terrible competition, hard work,
> only HALF measure. It could meand idle capacity also because Ten of
> Wands is exactly twice of that. Efforts could still be raised, doubled
> up... --Five of Pentacles is a very gloomy prediction since it means
> poverty, lack of conveniences in general which, as a matter of
> conjecture, should also mean OPPORTUNITY to start anew from scratches.
> When things have hit rock bottom, people MIGHT be easier to persuade
> abandon old methods. So, half efforts and half gains. -- The other
> elements missing are Air and Water. So, there will be ample
> opportunities to supply thoughts, decisions, etc... provided that
> empathy be offered to all those concerned. --In a nutshell, we are in
> shambles, no leadership at all, even until now. But the opportunity is
> always there, especially AFTER Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) becomes US
> president. I see LIBERAL REVOLUTIONS spreading like wildfire among the
> developing countries, including Indonesia. If so, why not ?
> >
> > someone wrote:
> > hahahaha ... prabowo? boleh juga ramalannya. muda, background
> bad boy di masa orba (anak begawan ekonomi yang berani kawin sama anak
> presiden petani) dan terus trying to become good guy dengan "kabur" ke
> luar negeri (dan menjadi "pengamat" indonesia), sekuler, businessman
> apalagi, ya? yang penting bisa nyewa PR yang bagus aja buat polishing
> his shits. hehehe ... terus soal laki perempuan, yaaa ... secara dia
> single, bisa aja dikategoriin laki atau perempuan. jadi klop tuh! :P
> >
> > Salute,
> > Ch
> >
> > |> BroerCharlie@
> >
> >
> > ~
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: hendri simatupang
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:40 AM
> > Subject: Re: milis adalah media tumpah ruwah Re: CiKEAS>
> Re:Oooooooooppss
> >
> >
> > so..mari kita buka ruang baru..
> > menurut anda apakah SBY - Kalla masih layak jadi
> > Saya hanya mengajukan satu nama Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono, kalo dia
> mau jadi caleg bakal akan jadi presiden 2009.
> >
> > hens
> >

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