Refleksi : Apakah Taliban adalah teroris?

Operation in Swat: 54 Terrorists Killed; 15 Hideouts Destroyed 
'Pakistan Times' Federal Bureau

ISLAMABAD: The security forces during the last 24 hours killed 54 more 
terrorists while destroying their 15 hideouts in Rah-e-Haq-4 Operation, 
Director General ISPR Major General Athar Abbas said here Thursday. 

Addressing a joint media briefing at PID, Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said during the 
operation 9 security personnel have embraced Shahadat while 14 others sustained 
injuries during various encounters with the terrorists. 

The security forces are advancing in the area to flush out the miscreants, he 

Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Syed Samsam Ali Bokhari, 
Minister of State on Finance Hina Rabbani Khar, Secretary Information and 
Broadcasting Ashfaq Ahmed Gondal, Brig.  Aamir of Special Support Group for 
IDPs and Principal Information Officer Mian Shabir Anwar were also present. 

Director General ISPR reiterated the firm stand and direction given by the 
Chief of Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to take extra ordinary measures 
to avoid collateral damage during the operation. 

"Pakistan Army understands that management of Internally Displaced Persons 
(IDPs) is as important as military operation in Swat". He maintained that the 
Special Support Group is making all out efforts to manage the IDPs in a 
befitting manner. 

Referring to the prevailing war situation in the operation area, Major Gen. 
Athar Abbas urged the media to be mindful of the fact that the valiant soldiers 
who are fighting against the terrorists and miscreants are doing this for the 
cause of the survival and wellbeing of every one of us. "They are offering 
sacrifices for the liberty and wellbeing of each one of us," he said. 

Answering a question he said, the activities of miscreants, terrorists and 
Taliban should not be correlated with the Military which has been carrying out 
operation in the area in most professional manner. He said the Military has 
been fighting by observing all the norms while the opponent (miscreants, 
terrorists) have no such taboo to observe. "They behead and slaughter the 
people while no single soldier can even think of committing any such barbarian 
act," he said.

He said the whole nation was backing the military operation and this will 
continue till the area is cleared of the terrorist and miscreants. When his 
attention was drawn towards a report carried out by BBC, he said,"We totally 
reject this report as incorrect and based on assumption." 

He said that the province of NWFP comprises two major areas called settled and 
tribal. Bajur area has been cleared of terrorists, he said while Momand is in 
the process of being purged.  He said in FATA area not a single Agency 
Headquarter has ever been taken over by miscreants or terrorists. The state is 
functional there. The report is part of malicious campaign, he added. 

About the role of PAF in the operation, he said, the aircrafts of PAF have been 
engaged for mountainious and hilly areas, which are occupied by the terrorists. 
"A number of caves occupied by the miscreants have been engaged successfully by 
PAF jets killing a number of terrorists," he said. 

In reference to a report carried by New York Times, he said, the report does 
not deserve any comments as this is based on comments of some US officials. "No 
US official has officially talked to any of our official on the subject," he 

To another question, he said that the Swat Operation is being carried out by 
Pakistani forces through indigenous resources and rejected any such report 
referring that there was some assistance being given by Afghanistan. 

The Director General ISPR while responding to a query regarding time frame of 
the Buner Operation, he said due to precise and specific approach the operation 
had to be halted for redesigning. "It is going at a slower pace but major 
achievements are there," he said. 

Giving details about the operation, he said, at Poechar, search and destroy 
operation is in progress as during the night between Wednesday and Thursday 
militants made an abortive attempt to raid the base of security forces. The 
miscreants suffered heavy causalities of 21 killings during the attempt while 8 
security personnel got injured. 

At Ramotai Loe (Shangla Sector) 15 militant hideouts were destroyed where three 
miscreant snipers and 12 other miscreants were killed. He said in the area of 
Barikot, the security forces after removing a lot of IEDs and eliminating the 
resistance have been able to clear area up to Udigram (6 km short of Mingora). 
"Intense fighting is taking place at Udigram," he said. On Thursday, three 
miscreants including an important commander have been killed in Udigram, he 

He said that intense clashes between the miscreants and the security forces are 
taking place in the north of Shalpalam area. Two miscreants were killed by 
security forces snipers near Circuit House in Mingora while 13 others were 
killed in Tursak, suburb of Mingora, he added.
At Sultanwas in Buner, he said that ground forces have launched operation on 
early Thursday to cleanse the area of militants. "It is continuing smoothly and 
the militants are running away," he said. 

In reply to yet another question, he said the operation at present is 
continuing at isolated places where the presence of the militants is confirmed. 
Replying to a query, the representative of Special Support Group said that the 
possibility of presence of Taliban in the garb of civilian cannot be ruled out 

However, efforts through adoption of various mechanisms are in hand to avoid 
any such incident. "We cannot segregate Taliban from civilian population as 
they hail from the same area," he said and told a questioner that all those who 
approach at the IDP camps are provided food and basic amenities whether they 
have proper identification documents or not.

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