From: Teman Sejati <>
Subject: [reformasi_birokrasi] Dukung SBY-Boediono (SBY berBudi)
To: "Reformasi Birokrasi" <>, "Rumah
Ilmu" <>, "Sekolah Mandala"
<> ,

Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 6:19 PM <>

Dukung SBY-Boediono (SBY berBudi)
Tanggal: Kamis, 14 Mei, 2009, 6:33 PM

Mari Kita Dukung Pasangan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden
Bpk. SBY bersama Bpk. Boediono (SBY berBudi)

Karena Pasangan ini adalah satu2-nya calon Presiden & Calon Wakil
Presiden yang paling disetujui oleh Amerika Serikat (AS)
Sehingga Indonesia akan sangat diperhitungkan dalam komunikasinya dengan
bangsa lain didunia

Tidak bisa dipungkiri, Indonesia bisa menjadi negara maju seperti
sekarang ini adalah karena jasa, peran dan bantuan dari AS. Tanpa
bantuan AS, tidak mungkin sekarang indonesia bisa punya gedung2 tinggi &
jalan2 yang lebar dan halus. Teknologi dsb.

Maka untuk perbaikan negara ini kedepan, jika duet SBY-Boediono bisa
kembali memimpin negara ini, bisa diharapkan, konsep2 maupun perencanaan
pembangunan jangka pendek, jangka menengah dan jangka panjang, AS tidak
akan segan2 membantu sepenuh hati.
Dan tentunya bantuan dari AS maupun negara2 Donor lain akan mengalir
dengan deras.

Hal ini tidak akan terjadi jika bukan SBY-Boediono yang menjadi Presiden
dan Wakil Presiden.

Karena pasangan yang lain jelas sangat tidak disukai oleh AS.
Berbeda sekali dengan pak SBY yang sudah sejak lama terjalin pengertian
dengan pemerintah AS, yakni sejak beliau sekolah untuk mendalami
pelajaran tata-pemerintahan di AS saat masih berpangkat kolonel. Sejak
saat itu, memang kalangan pemerintahan disana sudah melihat bakat yang
luar biasa dan sejak saat itu memang sudah dipersiapkan dan diharapkan
sebagai pemimpin masa depan Indonesia.
Bahkan sejak 2004 menjelang beliau maju sebagai calon Presiden untuk
yang pertama, untuk menyempurnakan kepemimpinan beliau, pemerintah AS
telah memberikan fasilitas dan bantuan, juga agar tampil prima didepan
umum, beliau mendapat pelajaran dan kursus kepribadian.

Dengan dukungan dan bantuan negara adidaya, kita yakin Indonesia akan
Hidup SBY-Boediono (SBY berBudi)

From: Holy Uncle holyun...@hotmail. com
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 8:14 PM

Barack Obama blueprint for Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ticket

Stephen Fitzpatrick, Jakarta correspondent | May 16, 2009
Article from: The Australian

INDONESIA'S electoral silly season reached new heights yesterday, with
2000 dignitaries gathering in the West Java hill city of Bandung for an
all-singing, all-dancing announcement of President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono's running mate.

No matter that the choice, respected economist and central bank governor
Boediono, had been common knowledge for days. Until the ticket was
formally revealed, there was to be no public confirmation - not even by
the softly spoken and faintly aristocratic Dr Boediono, as he boarded a
train in Jakarta for the event, 150km away.

The spectacle was a clear indication of how far Mr Yudhoyono and his
Democrat Party have taken Indonesian politics since the "New Order" rule
of the late dictator Suharto.

That they have partly modelled their re-election campaign on Barack
Obama's golden run to the White House is clear: the elite PR firm run by
the US-educated Mallarangeng brothers - one of whom, Andi, is an adviser
to the President - admits as much. Even their slick website,
SBYPresidenku. com ("SBY, my president"), is broadly similar to the
www.barackobama. com <>  portal.

No one seriously doubts the Yudhoyono-Boediono ticket will lead
Indonesia's government for the coming five years, after elections
starting on July 8.

Even Democrat Party opponents, and a small group of allies who spent
this week chasing their tails in consternation over the fact Mr
Yudhoyono had snubbed them in his choice of running mate, are aware of

Ranged against the Yudhoyono push are two tickets, representing what's
described in some circles as a "Menteng suburban turf war", for the
Jakarta inner-city diplomatic and elite residential area where its two
leaders live.

Former president Megawati Sukarnoputri, mocked during her unelected
2001-04 rule for being an ineffectual housewife incapable of making
decisions in the national interest, and current Vice-President, the
canny ethnic Bugis businessman Jusuf Kalla, live in grand, state-owned
mansions within a few hundred metres of each other.

Ms Megawati was so concerned with keeping her snout in the trough she
passed a law transferring the deed on her property into her name before
being rolled by Mr Yudhoyono in 2004 general elections.

Now Ms Megawati and Mr Kalla go into a battle in which one respected
polling organisation this week had Mr Yudhoyono garnering up to 70 per
cent of the vote.

Each has as running mate a retired military figure of dubious electoral
value, whose only strong link is to the past.

General Wiranto, who failed as the Golkar party's candidate in 2004,
will line up with current Golkar chairman Mr Kalla. General Prabowo
Subianto, who many say must face justice over abductions and murders
during the 1998 violence in Jakarta accompanying Suharto's fall, will
run with Ms Megawati.

As commentators and party hacks talk themselves hoarse about coalitions
being formed from among the 38 registered parties who competed for 560
seats in last month's poll, the Yudhoyono team has been able to stand
back and watch the turf war unfold.

The idea of coalitions in Indonesia's newly maturing presidential system
was a "nonsense", political scientist Daniel Sparingga said yesterday,
since "Indonesian political leaders use parties as their own possessions
... the elite are like lords from the middle ages; their power is
extremely personal".

It remains to be seen how much of a break with the past Yudhoyono can

http://www.theaustr ... 37,00.html

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