Dear God, you've got mail 
December 22, 2009 
IN A postal sorting office beside a bakery on an industrial estate in 
Jerusalem, hundreds of letters are carefully set aside for special delivery and 
treated with the respect accorded to sacred documents. The envelopes are 
variously addressed, but all are destined for the same place. And all are 
unanswerable, at least by man.

This is the Letters to God department of the Israeli postal service, where each 
year more than 1000 letters are received and once every few months opened, 
folded and, in a ceremony overseen by a senior rabbi, squeezed into the cracks 
of the Western Wall, in Jerusalem's Old City. Some are from Jews, some from 
Christians, some from believers of other faiths.

One letter from Poland in the post office is addressed, simply, "God, 
Jerusalem, Israel". Another, from Australia: "Dearest God, Western Wall." One 
from Britain reads: "To a poor man in Israel"; another: "The Rabi Jesus, Tel 

They arrive in many languages. Most these days are written in Russian, but 
others are from Germany: "Gott, Klagemauer, Jerusalem"; Mexico: "Dios, Muro de 
los Lamentos, Jerusalen"; and France: "La Terre-Sainte". Some are more 
esoteric, like one sent from Ghana and addressed to "The Cult of the Calebs, 
Israel", or another from Indonesia: "To the mighty one YHWH Elohim, Jerusalem, 

Inside, they hold heartfelt messages of sorrow, or grief, or religious 
devotion. A pair of letters in Hebrew are addressed: "To my dead mother" and 
"To my dead father". One postcard, sent from the United States and addressed to 
"Dear Jesiu", said simply: "I love you. I think of you. I thank you."

Beneath his signature, the writer had taped three nickels to the card.

Some seem to have been inspired by visits or pilgrimages to Jerusalem, others 
by television preachers. One written in English and addressed to "Mr Christ 
(God), Care of Jerusalem, Israel", began: "I want to thank you very much for 
the opportunity to participate in your television offer regarding the Christian 
faith and for your counsel and awards."

It contained a cheque for one US cent.

Others seem driven by fervent religious belief, like one two-page, handwritten 
letter sent from within Israel but written in English. Addressed to "Son of the 
Nun, Joshua Cult, Israel", it began: "Is it a crime to serve the last God?"

For the past 12 years Avi Yaniv, 66, has had charge of the Letters to God 
department and has tried to make sense of the mail that arrives each day.

"They come from depression, or stress or grief," he said. "They ask for healing 
of a family member, or to make peace between a man and his wife, or between 
Israel and Arab countries. Some want material goods. We call it the checklist: 
they ask for a good job, a good wife, a nice car, a lot of money."

He has two regular writers, one from Mexico and another from Belgium, who send 
letters every few weeks. But, under the rules of the postal service, Mr Yaniv 
is not allowed to write back to them.

Regardless of the faith of the writer, each letter is eventually delivered to 
the Western Wall and, after some time, the cracks in the wall are emptied to 
make way for new messages, and the old ones are buried in sacred ground.

"We believe the Western Wall is the closest place to God in Jerusalem," Mr 
Yaniv said.

Although letter-writing is in decline, there has been no reduction in the 
number of letters to God. Mr Yaniv has noticed a sharp rise in letters from 
Russia and the former Soviet states in recent years, a sign, he believes, of 
the new openness in their societies.

Occasionally there are letters from Jordan or Egypt, and once from Morocco, but 
letters from other Arab states are not received. Most letters are deeply 

"I had a letter from one person who didn't ask for anything from God. He just 
wanted to thank God for what he already had," he said.

"Another was from Russia from a lady writing to her dead father. She had an 
argument with him and wrote very difficult words about the way he had treated 


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