Glasses vs. Contact LensesAn ophthalmic guide to saving the planet.
By Nina Shen RastogiPosted Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010, at 9:29 AM ET
Are glasses better for the planet than contact lenses?Instead of glasses, I 
wear contact lenses. This means throwing out scraps of plastic (as well as 
their packaging) every two weeks, in addition to using cleaning fluid (which 
comes in plastic containers) and plastic lens cases. How much better would it 
be for the planet if I switched to glasses?

Sure, there are going to be impacts associated with manufacturing contact 
lenses-for example, you need energy to run the factories (which will result in 
greenhouse gas emissions), and until soy-based contact lenses hit the market, 
you need petroleum to make the plastic. But the Lantern doesn't believe that 
contact lenses represent some kind of major, hidden environmental concern. 
However, as a lifelong four-eyes herself, she'll admit a certain curiosity 
about this question. 

Let's start by estimating the amount of plastic that goes into a pair of 
contact lenses and a pair of eyeglasses. According to data collected in the 
early 2000s by Eurolens Research-an industry consulting group based at the 
University of Manchester-a single pair of soft contact lenses weighs about 25 
milligrams after it's been dehydrated. Twenty-six pairs of your biweekly 
lenses, then, would produce about 0.65 grams of dried-out plastic. A year's 
worth of the Lantern's own daily disposables-that's 730 lenses total-would 
produce 9.125 grams of plastic-or a little less than would go into the 
production of two credit cards.

What about eyeglass lenses? The amount of material can vary, depending on the 
type of plastic used, the prescription, and the shape of the frame. But a 
reasonable estimate, according to the Minnesota-based manufacturer Vision-Ease 
Lens, might be 120 grams of plastic for a pair of blanks-little slabs that 
opticians can grind down into finished lenses-and 35 for lenses that come 
pre-finished from the manufacturer, and just need to be shaped to fit the 
frame. Consumers tend to buy new glasses every 2.2 years, but 35 grams of 
plastic is the equivalent of almost four years' worth of daily contacts, or 
more than 50 years' worth of biweeklies.

This calculation leaves out several important factors, though. As you note, 
contact lenses come with a lot of extra plastic paraphernalia, like bottles of 
solution, lens cases, and individual blister packs. Once you've accounted for 
all these, eyeglasses start looking much better. In a 2003 paper, the Eurolens 
researchers calculated how much waste contact lens wearers generate in a year. 
They looked at one brand of daily disposables, which don't require cleaning, 
and one brand of monthly disposables, which are cleaned and stored at night. A 
year's worth of daily lenses-360 pairs, in this study-produced 953 grams of 
plastic, between the lenses themselves and the blister packaging. Twelve pairs 
of monthlies, with 12 carrying cases and 12 bottles of cleaning solution, 
produced 549 grams. (The researchers also tallied the metal used to seal the 
blister packs and the paper used in the boxes and instructional leaflets.)

Eyeglasses do come with their own accoutrements, but these hardly make a 
difference in the overall calculation. At this online shop, the heaviest pair 
of eyeglasses-with lenses included-weighs about 0.07 pounds. At, 
cases seem to max out at around 0.25 pounds. Even if you threw in a stack of 
chamois cloths, it seems unlikely that a pair of glasses would create more than 
a pound or so of consumer waste. Plus, most contact lens wearers need a pair of 
glasses, too-meaning they will almost always produce more trash. 

For all that, it's not worth getting worked up over the impacts of contact 
lenses. A year's supply of dailies produces a total of about 3 pounds of 
plastic, metal, and paper trash; monthlies, about 2.5 pounds. By comparison, 
the average American generates an annual total of more than 1,600 pounds of 
garbage (PDF). And according to Philip Morgan, one of the co-authors of the 
Eurolens paper, companies have been steadily reducing the amount of plastic 
used in their bottles and blister packs-perhaps by as much as 10 percent or 20 

Of course, the picture would get far more complicated if we stepped back and 
looked at the entire life cycle of each option. The Lantern's been able to 
collect some scraps of data on the topic-for example, Bausch & Lomb told her 
that making one pair of soft contact lenses produces approximately 0.29 pounds 
of carbon dioxide equivalent, and Vision-Ease has estimated that (in its 
Minnesota facility, at least) making a pair of eyeglass lenses produces 10.5 
pounds of CO2-equivalent. If those numbers can be trusted, wearing daily 
disposables for a couple of years would contribute 22 times more greenhouse gas 
emissions than wearing a pair of glasses over that time. However, there are 
still frames and plastic bottles and cardboard boxes to consider, not to 
mention the production of all the raw materials.

Lacking a proper cradle-to-grave accounting, then, concentrate on reducing your 
vision-related waste. Cardboard boxes and paper leaflets can be recycled, and 
solution bottles may as well, depending on what kind of plastic they're made 
out of. Double-check with your local waste agency before you put lens cases in 
the recycling bin, however-like prescription medicine bottles, they may be too 
small to be accepted. Old eyeglasses can be donated via organizations like New 
Eyes for the Needy and Lions Clubs International, and you can send unopened, 
unexpired contact lenses to MADRE, an international women's human rights 
organization based in New York. (Your original prescriber may take them back, 
as well.)

Now, would LASIK surgery be greener than a lifetime's worth of eyeglasses? 
That's fodder for another column.

Is there an environmental quandary that's been keeping you up at night? Send it 
to , and check this space every Tuesday.


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