
Saturday 16 January 2010 (30 Muharram 1431)

      Correct distorted picture of Islam
      Turki Al-Dakheel | Al-Watan
      Does the world know the real meanings of Islam, or does it only know the 
irresponsible behavior of some reckless Muslims? I think the second question is 
the most relevant. People living in remote villages in Europe, America, Brazil 
or Argentina will not look at Islam academically but rather through the extreme 
conduct of some Muslims: murder, threats, blowing up trains and hijacking 
aircraft. They will not know about Islam from great Muslim scholars, but rather 
from people like Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Muhammad Omar, Ayman Al-Zawahri and 
others whose hands have been soaked in the blood of the innocent.

      In his interview with Al-Watan newspaper on Wednesday, Malaysian Prime 
Minister Najib Razak said he would make efforts with Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques King Abdullah to promote the Muslim world in order to improve the image 
of Islam in the West and correct misconceptions about it. 

      He said he was thinking seriously establishing a front to spread the 
correct understanding of Islam.

      I think the first thing we should begin with is to purify the major 
sources from which the communities come to know about Islam being mosques or 

      The curricula might project a distorted picture of Islam either because 
they contain extreme and rigid opinions canceling the other or because they are 
unable to cope with new developments in the world.

      We cannot correct Islam through advertisement and publicity but rather 
through being a role model in conduct, discipline and good manners. It is 
ironic to talk about the tolerance of Islam while some preachers hit girls with 
sticks and follow young men in our streets. 

      By doing so we are contradicting ourselves and affirming the already bad 
picture of Islam. We cannot correct the real understanding of Islam while we 
are doing provocative things. This is a truth that many people do not 


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