Refleksi : MUI kurang bersabahat dengan perkebunan coklat dan buruhnya.

Muslims advised to ignore Valentine`s Day
Friday, February 12, 2010 05:58 WIB | National | | 
Pamekasan (ANTARA News) - The local branch of the Council of Indonesian Ulema 
(MUI) has called on the Muslim community to refrain from doing anything to 
observe Valentine`s Day, saying it was not a Muslim tradition. 

The clerical organization issued the call because in past years certain 
segments of the population in Pamekasan had taken part in activities to 
celebrate the day and committed misappropriation of the activities.

"After all, Valentine`s Day is not an Islamic tradition," KH Lailurrahman, 
chairman of the MUI`s Pamekasan branch, said here Thursday. 

"Also, Valentine`s Day celebrations tend to be marked by frivolous, extragavant 
behavior or even improper activities," he said. 

He said, filling one`s life with love was actually in accordance with Allah`s 
command. But Valentine`s Day which falls on February 14 had pagan connotations, 
and therefore celebrating it would be a deviation from the Islamic faith. 

In Indonesia, the day is mainly observed among the younger generation of 
certain population groups in urban centers. 

But KH Lailurrahman said when one studied the origin of Valentine`s Day, it 
would become obvious it had nothing to do at all with Islam and Islamic 
cultural values. 
"So, it is only proper for MUI to forbid Muslim youths to observe the day," he 
said. (*)

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