Refleksi : Jangan berpikir bahwa para petinggi NKRI tidak pandai berpolitik. 
Hutan digundulkan,  duit masuk kantong, kekayaan bertumpuk-tumpuk, petinggi dan 
konco-bin sahabat  menjadi kaya raya sebahagian menjadi raja-raja kayu. Rakyat 
di daerah dapat apa? 

Kebetulan ada masalah iklim bisa numpang, kalau tidak dibantu  reboasasi, iklim 
buruk dan  dunia bisa cepat kiamat. Supaya tidak kiamat harus dibantu untuk 
mencegah hutan tidak digundulkan dan untuk itu diperlukan sedekah fulus. 
Politik  akal bulus berhasil. US$ 1 miliar diberikan. Pertanyaannya kalau ikan 
di laut habis, tanah berlobang-lobang karena perut bumi dikeruk hasilnya, 
apakah juga harus diminta dana duit untuk mengembalikan ikan-ikan yang 
menghilang dan untuk menutup perut bumi yang kosong dan bolong sana sini?

RI calls for incentives for forest conservation
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 12/18/2009 6:39 PM | World 

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Friday in Copenhagen that developed 
countries should give incentives to developing countries to conserve forests.

"There is a draft for the UN Climate Change conference that obliges developing 
countries to conserve forests and stop deforestation, which we think is not 
balanced," Yudhoyono told a press conference aired by TV One.

"We propose one article that says developing countries must be given incentives 
for their efforts to conserve forests."

He said his team would make sure the proposal was approved at the conference

Lihat No Joke :

Norway to pay for Indonesian logging moratorium 
May 28, 2010 
INDONESIA'S President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has announced a two-year 
moratorium on new logging concessions, part of a deal with Norway in which 
Indonesia will receive up to $US1 billion ($1.2 billion) if it adheres to a 
letter of intent signed by the two countries yesterday.

The initiative was warmly welcomed by environmentalists. It will put curbs on 
Indonesian's lucrative palm oil industry and could delay or slow plans for the 
creation of a huge agricultural estate in Papua province.

Addressing reporters on his way to Oslo, where the deal was signed, Dr 
Yudhoyono said Indonesia had to balance its needs for economic development with 
its responsibilities to prevent a rise in carbon emissions, which the majority 
of scientists say are responsible for global warming.

''Indonesia is really able to maintain its tropical forests, meaning that we 
maintain the lungs of the world,'' Dr Yudhoyono said, according to the official 
Antara news agency.

''It is not merely Indonesia but also the rest of the world which will enjoy 
the fruit.''

Indonesia is the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, with 80 per 
cent of those emissions due to deforestation.

As well as felling trees that absorb carbon, deforestation in Indonesia's 
swampy peatlands releases carbon from the exposed peat as it dries. It also 
often leads to huge fires that are very difficult to control and spew out more 
greenhouse gases.

The rapid expansion of the palm oil sector and granting of million of hectares 
in new logging concessions in recent years have accelerated deforestation, 
including in peatlands. Under the Oslo plan, those concessions will still be 
able to be logged, but new areas will not be opened up.

Norway will pay the Indonesian government in instalments, and closely monitor 
whether the forest areas are protected.

Norway's Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, said: ''If there is no reduced 
deforestation we will not pay; if there is reduced deforestation we will pay.''

Indonesia has a pervasive problem with illegal logging, an activity Dr 
Yudhoyono has indicated he will cracking down on as part of a broader 
anti-corruption push.

''We congratulate President [Yudhoyono] on his commitment in Oslo,'' said 
Bustar Maitar, forests campaigner with Greenpeace Indonesia. ''This is a very 
large step and shows he is committed to stopping forest deforestation and 
climate change.''

According to Greenpeace, forests covering the equivalent of 300 football fields 
are eradicated every hour in Indonesia, which with Malaysia produces 80 per 
cent of the world's palm oil. Palm oil is used for cosmetics, fuel and as 
vegetable oil in many foods such as snacks like chocolate bars and crisps.

While the agreement may threaten plans for a huge agricultural estate in 
Merauke district in Papua where there are large swampland forests, the 
presidential climate adviser, Agus Purnomo, indicated it would still go ahead, 
telling the Jakarta Globe that ''we will work it out so that there will be no 
peatlands converted''.

Elfian Effendi of the Indonesian non-government organisation Greenomics said he 
was sceptical that the plan announced in Oslo could be implemented properly.

''I think the Norway government will be disappointed,'' he said. ''The regents 
[Indonesian district chiefs] have power over forests. Whatever actions are 
taken by the central government, the regents will not give their authority to 
stop deforestation in their area. They will want the money from the new 

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

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