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Monday, July 26, 2010 
14:55 Mecca time, 11:55 GMT

Plastic bottle boat docks in Sydney 

A yacht constructed from 12,500 recycled plastic bottles has docked in Sydney, 
Australia after four months crossing the Pacific Ocean.

The ocean journey, which ended on Monday, was organised to raise awareness 
about the perils of waste plastic.

A crowd of around 100 well-wishers erupted into cheers as David de Rothschild, 
the expedition leader, and his crew finally docked at port outside the 
Australian National Maritime Museum.

De Rothschild, a descendant of the well-known British banking family, exchanged 
high fives and hugs with his crew, pumping his fists into the air in victory.

Speaking to the media, de Rothschild said he hoped the Plastiki would 
highlight, in an enlightened way, the growing problem of plastic in the world's 

"It doesn't need to be po-faced, it doesn't need to be a chore. It can actually 
turn out to be a great adventure and that's hopefully what the Plastiki has 
done," he said.

Plastic threat

De Rothschild, 31, said the idea for the journey came to him after he read a 
United Nations report in 2006 that said pollution, and particularly plastic 
waste, was seriously threatening the world's oceans.

He decided a good way to prove that rubbish can be effectively reused was to 
recycle some of it to construct a boat.

The boat is almost entirely made up of bottles, which are held together with an 
organic glue made of sugar cane and cashews, and includes other materials too.

The mast, for instance, is recycled aluminium irrigation pipe.

The Plastiki, named after the 1947 Kon-Tiki raft sailed across the Pacific by 
explorer Thor Heyerdahl, is fully recyclable and gets its power from solar 
panels and windmills.

The crew of the Plastiki, an 18-metre catamaran that weathered fierce ocean 
storms during its 12,000km at sea, left San Francisco, California on March 20, 
stopping along the way at various South Pacific island nations including 
Kiribati and Samoa.

During their 128-day journey, the six-member crew lived in a cabin of just 6m 
by 4.5m, took saltwater showers, and survived on a diet of dehydrated and 
canned food, supplemented with the occasional vegetable from their small 
on-board garden.

Along the way, they fought giant ocean swells, 62-knot winds, temperatures up 
to 38 degrees Celsius and torn sails.

Although the team had originally hoped to recycle the Plastiki, de Rothschild 
said they are now thinking of keeping it intact, and using it as a way of 
enlightening people to the power of recycling.

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