В сообщении от Friday 15 January 2021 09:42:44 Rafa Mar Multimedia en Gnu\Linux 
via Cin написал(а):
> Safety always has to come first, always.
> Would you work with hard drives a thousand times faster than current ones,
> but if you do a bad shutdown, you lose all your information without the
> possibility of recovering it? I do not.

You might be badly surprized ... :/
(hint: SSDs sometimes die)

> It is always better slow but surely than fast with irrecoverable risks. As
> is the possibility of a wrong click on this button with a very valuable
> file in the EDL path and Cinelerra with another project loaded ... a simple
> mistake, click and goodbye work.

There will be *no* this button by default ....

> So I do not want to work, and I find it difficult to recommend an
> application that can give a user this "bad shot".
> I think that GG would have had no problem in reviewing the function of this
> button and given the great risk that it entails, it would have done the
> resource of numbering the file, instead of overwriting it if the precaution
> had NOT been taken to rename in the "EDL path: "
> In this way, for users like Igor Ubuntu it remains the same, and for new
> users it is no longer dangerous.
> >*You also can try to put xml project files under git source control...*
> This I don't know how to do it. I don't even know what it is.

Oh, I actually tried it just now.

So, navigate in terminal to your (hidden) .bcast5 folder

from inside it 
create .gitignore file with this content:

cat .gitignore

('cat' shows file, for creating it you can use some redirection ...or just your 
favourite editor)


root@slax:~/.bcast5# git init
Инициализирован пустой репозиторий Git в /root/.bcast5/.git/
root@slax:~/.bcast5# git add .
root@slax:~/.bcast5# git commit

I use root user here, because I compile / edit from root. Not your idea of 
so use same procedure in your normal user directory.

Now, if git doesn't known you yet you will be asked to do those two things 
(only once per user, or once per repo)

  git config --global user.email "y...@example.com"
  git config --global user.name "Ваше Имя"

this set name/email globally. Run without --global for only making those 
effective in current git repo.

Now ' git commit' should work, for me it shows mcedit with some prepared commit 
message and
list of files to commit. I just entered phrase describing current date/time and 
word 'backup'

When you exit editor commit will be made.

[master (корневой коммит) fb0d435] backup-01-15-2021, 09:43
 7 files changed, 1939 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 Cinelerra_plugins
 create mode 100644 Cinelerra_rc
 create mode 100644 backup.prev
 create mode 100644 backup.xml
 create mode 100644 batchrender.rc
 create mode 100644 ladspa_plugins._usr_lib_ladspa

if you do not want your _plugins caches to be there just add them to .gitignore

now, you can use usual git log/ git reset --hard <commit> for reviewing log and 
resetting settings

Works with any text and xml files :}

In theory you can put git commit at the end of bash command file, and use this 
for starting CinGG ? (not tested), so at any app quit it will commit changes, 
those backup.xml/backup.prev

Of course if your project xml saves somewhere else - just use same procedure 
there ....

Not as nice as integrated solution, but hopefully should work with any 

> Greetings Andrew and thank you very much for your excellent work.
> El vie, 15 ene 2021 a las 7:12, Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin (<
> cin@lists.cinelerra-gg.org>) escribió:
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