On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Georgy Salnikov via Cin wrote:

> inspect FLAGS in *_config, *akefile on -I/usr/include/OpenEXR
> change -I/usr/include/OpenEXR to -I$(includedir)/OpenEXR
> fgrep -l I/usr/include/OpenEXR `find . -name '*akefile' -print`

I have grepped throuhg the build tree of some cingg git version of May,
OpenEXR seem to look OK. One can find -I$(includedir)/OpenEXR, and something
like thirdparty/openexr-2.4.1/usr/include/OpenEXR. But direct refs to
openexr system headers are not used. There is also such a ref in the top
level global_config and top level Makefile under CFG_CFLAGS but these flags
perhaps are also not used anywhere.

Perhaps somebody who is more familiar with the configuration sequence of the
cingg build system could inspect the flags more carefully...

Just to be sure, or if the compiled cingg crashes because of openexr on some
system, it is possible to rename temporarily /usr/include/OpenEXR and the
relevant .so files while building cin, so that only the thirdparty version
will be found.


Georgy Salnikov
NMR Group
Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry
Lavrentjeva, 9, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Phone   +7-383-3307864
Email   s...@nmr.nioch.nsc.ru

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