>From 'Herman Robak':
> On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 12:54:34 +0100, Modesto Alexandre wrote:
> > I think,
> > ASF need an licence from Microsoft.
> >
> > For example : Virtualdbud.. does not include ASF support.
>   The question was what format Julien should convert to, not how.
> If mplayer can do the convertion, then never mind Microsoft.
> (Mplayer is hosted in Hungary, Virtualdub is developed by a
> guy on the same continent as Microsoft)
>   If you have enough space, I would suggest uncompressed video.

I've tried this, with FMT set to yuy2, rgb8 or 411p (but I'm really
not familiar with all that stuff...):

mencoder -ovc raw -vf format=FMT -oac pcm -fps 25 -o OUT.avi IN.wmv

But Cinelerra only recognizes audio...

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