On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 02:58:00PM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> >The other way to approach this problem is to use YUV4MPEG (or similar
> >uncompressed format), and seperately export audio the same pipe that
> >it is using.  This would be a fine solution too (perhaps even a better
> >one) although I think a little harder to implement.  I certainly
> >wouldn't want to discourage anyone from doing it, though.
> I don't think the yuv4mpegpipe format allows for audio, so I don't know 
> how that would be possible...

It doesn't, but ffmpeg allows for multiple inputs.  I was probably
sloppy to call it the same pipe.  The audio would be in a standard
audio format, but on a separate file descriptor.  The rendering
process (ffmpeg) would read from that descriptor just as it reads from
stdin for the YUV4MPEG video.  Named pipes are one way to do this, but
not necessary (at least on Linux).

Andraz Tori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The only _right_way_ is using ffmpeg library from cinelerra and
> producing the multiplexed files directly, without any pipes,
> middle-encoding or anything else.

I'd hesitate to call it the only way, but it would be a good way as
well.  I think it would be significantly harder than a piped solution
to implement, and would be specific only to ffmpeg's capabilities.
And the middle encoding would often need to happen, but it would be
hidden inside the exporter.  But this would be a fine solution,
especially if one made sure the rendered product was pipe-able.

Herman Robak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Pipes and scripts are very UNIX-y and familiar for the tinkerers
> among us who are used to the command line.  However, it is not a
> performance winner, and it is a rather clunky gum-and-gaffa design.
> They are nice as workarounds, but I wish we would take the time to
> step back and look for a greater _design_.

A fine idea.  The nice part is that pipes are simple to implement, and
flexible.  But an integrated solution (as Andraz suggests) would
probably be more in keeping with the Cinelerra philosophy, as well as
better for users who just want something that works out of the box.


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