I've had the same problem, but my opinion is all the transitions
should be also added as effects.  To me, it makes more sense to have
effects than transitions.  They do the same thing, but transitions do
not (to me) do what I expect - they pull data from past the end of the
previous edit, i.e. they pull data from a part of the edit which is no
longer shown!  Plus, they aren't usable with effects - they always do
their thing before the effect.  To me, using a (for example) flash
effect is much easier and more intuitive than a flash transtion.  I
also think copying the transitions into effects would be much easier
than trying to change the transition model...

On 8/3/06, Hermann Vosseler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marcin Kostur wrote:
> Suppose i have two video tracks which i would like to join with a transition. 
Additionally i need
> to corret colors (e.g. histogram) on those tracks,
> If i apply effect to each track, then the transition will use uncorrected 
part  in overlapping
> moment (is it a bug?).
> The way i did  it was "correct a track and render" but it introduced 
unecessary DV-reencoding.

Andraž Tori wrote:
> you probably want to say that two edits overlap. just render them first with 
all the corrections
> you want and then use the new media files.

Hello Andraž,
Hello Marcin,

quite often, I got struck by this behaviour. I consider it -- not quite
a bug, but rather a shortcomming of the design, i.e. the way transitions
are implemented and controlled in cinelerra.
Basicalliy, it forces me to render the parts withl plugins to a lossles format
before setting up the transitions. (Rendering to dv or mjpeg of course is
not an option because of the quality loss introduced by re-encoding).
This approach works, but really can't be called a "solution":

  - it is destructive, wheras all editing should be non-destructive
  - it forces me into using a huge amount of disk space (which can
    get a nightmare in large projects)
  - it's against the natural workflow: normally, we first select the
    takes and try to cut, and later on, if all cuts are OK and the
    whole "flow" of the movie is working, we do the fine tuning.
    With this problem we either can't use transitions while cutting
    (if we need the effects, e.g. slow motion), or we can't use a
    preliminary version of the effects later on to be enhanced.

So I think, we should open a enhancement ticket on this. What's
your oppinion?


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