On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 05:15:38PM +1000, Vaughan Famularo wrote:
> Hi everyone
> This is my 1st post on this list and I'm hoping that you may be able to
> help me.
> I have Cinelerra installed and working well. I have read as much as I
> can on the net but I am stumped on a few topics but the 1st one 1st.
> I am trying to render from the timeline to an Mpeg2 Video file.
> I am using the standard DVD settings in the Video rendering gui.
> But when I go to start the render, I get the error on the terminal "that
> the mpeg2enc.plugin cannot be found" in /usr/lib/cinelerra/
> I found the plugin in /usr/bin/ and copied it over and everything
> "seemed" to work.
> But in reality, nothing seems to happen at all. I don't get any errors
> but after many hours the render completion figure remains on 0%
> Can anyone help me on this or suggest what I could do please??
> Thanks very much in advance
> Vaughan


If you use the CV version :

Export as an YUV4MPEG stream and use a pipe to encode the YUV stream :
yuvcorrect -v 0 -T INTERLACED_BOTTOM_FIRST | mpeg2enc -v 0 -r 32 -4 1 -2
1 -D 10 -g 15 -G 15 -q 5 -b 9400 -f 8 -o $1 

Export an AC3 sound stream at 224 kbps

Mplex everything with :
mplex -f 8 -V audio.ac3 video.m2v -o movie.mpeg

The mpeg2 stream is "100% stand-alone DVD player" compatible. I never
found a DVD player not able to play those files.

Nicolas, Paris.

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