On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 04:58:25PM +0800, Graham Evans wrote:
> Cinelerra with Open GL is a lot of fun to play with - thanks for all the
> effort to get this working.  I have some questions if anyone has a spare
> second...
> Gamma is listed as one of the openGL accelerated effects but when I make
> gamma anything other than 1.0 I seem to lose my acceleration.  I can
> move the maximum slider on the gamma dialog box and keep my openGL
> acceleration but for openGL it seems the gamma slider must remain at
> 1.0 .
> Is this because I have a low end video card or is this a common
> experience? (geforce 6200 TC)
> Also I notice the openGL acceleration is substantially lessened once you
> accumulate a few layers of effects.
> Again I wonder if my experience would improve with a higher spec video
> card.  Has anyone been able to compare?
> I am currently running:
> cinelerra svn 940 (svn from today)
> config options: --enable-mmx --enable-3dnow
> on hardware:
> Asus A8n-sli
> Athlon 64 X2 4200+
> 2GB DDR400
> Nvidia GeForce 6200TC
> on FC4_64.
> Graham E


Here's what's written in the HV "Secrets of Cinelerra" manual:

The scaling equation in Preferences is ignored by OpenGL. OpenGL always
uses linear scaling.

Project and track sizes need to be multiples of 4 for OpenGL to work.

To get the most acceleration, OpenGL-enabled effects must be placed
after software-only effects. All rendering before the last software-only
effect is done in software. The core Cinelerra operations like camera
and projector are of course OpenGL. 


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