On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, muzzol wrote:
> is not possible to substitute those fonts with free ones? there's lot
> of free ttf fonts around.

There are actually very few *really* free TTF files around.  Almost all
the "free" fonts you see are either commercial and distributed in
violation of copyright, or different types of shareware distributed under
restrictions like "personal use only" that would violate DFSG.  There's
also a problem of free replacements for commercial fonts, which don't
always have correct metadata - for instance, a file called "Helvetica" is
much more often some kind of Arial derivative, because real Helvetica is
jealously guarded by commercial interests.  Probably the best source for
free TTF fonts is existing free software packages.  For instance, if we
were interested in Postscript fonts, there's a nice collection of them
included with Ghostscript for which somebody else has already done the
work of license clearing.  I think some X servers may come with
really-free TTF fonts.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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