On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 01:21 +0100, giskard wrote:
> hello,
> it's a long time i don't contribute to cinelerra,but i'm always
> interested in it. 
> Yesterday i wondered why cinelerra cannot be part of SoC 2007  (SoC as
> in Summer of Code a project sponsored by google)

Why not, we could... Kiberpipa can be mentoring organisation, and myself
and Johannes Sixt and maybe someone else as mentors... but the final
decision is on google...

> I have some ideas, but for most of them i can't be the mentor (maybe for
> all).
> 1) write a GUI in gtk2

this is waaaay beyond SoC project

> 2) re-write cinelerra-cv as a modular program

I was thinking about smaller scale projects...

> we have to decide if partecipate or not to SoC 2007.

i am all for it

> minmax, hermanr, * ? what do you think about this?

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