
Your mail comes across as double-spaced, which little difficult to
read and reply to -- I can't see as much of what you say at one time.
I re-formatted below for myself and others :-)

On 4/19/07, Kurt Georg Hooss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi folks,
maybe not a cinelerra problem in the strictest sense,
however maybe someone here can hint me where to look.

i have made a movie on dvd using kino (for grabbing),
 cinelerra (for editing and rendering to q4l.mov),
 tovid (for converting to dvd-compatible .mpg), and dvdauthor.

when watching the results on the computer screen,
there were the typical comb-like artifacts in horizontal movements,
which actually did not really disturb me.

however when watching the movie on a dvd player / tv screen,
then all horizontal movements show such an intense flickering
that it really gives me a headache, also with strong comb effects.

the only sensible explanation seems that the fields are played
in reverse order, i.e. say if the camera records top fields first,
then the player shows bottom fields first, or vice versa.

I would agree with that -- it sounds like the fields are playing in
reverse order.

to find out, i have experimented with the "format" settings in cinelerra
and rendered four versions of a little test scene, each time starting
 cinelerra from scratch, setting the format, loading footage, rendering:

1. Preset "PAL" (interlace mode goes automatically to "bottom fields

2. then changed interlace mode to "none", without changing anything else,

3. and to "top fields first",

4. and finally with preset "PAL Progressive" (50 fps).

I have then converted these four test movies (tovid -pal -dvd ...)
and combined them onto a test dvd (todisc -pal -dvd ...). but when playing
on the dvd player + tv, all four looked the same, horribly flickering.

so maybe it is not so much a problem with rendering in cinelerra,
but with interlacing (and possibly swapping fields) in tovid, i don't know.
anyone here who had any similar experiences?

This is probably the best explanation, but it may depend on how you're
rendering. Cinelerra at one point had dv-encoding struggles. In my
experience, it was mainly a loss in quality as blocks became more
visibly obvious. But there have been some discussions about libdv and
I think these abnormalities have been resolved.

I'm assuming that this is the case and that Cinelerra is correctly
rendering back to quicktime for linux. My next question is why you are
rendering to DV and then to MPEG when Cinelerra can go directly to
MPEG with a pipe. See
http://pengi.films.googlepages.com/shizuocha-pp_footage for an
example; scroll down to the 'Exporting' section.

Finally, I'm glad that you're using tovid to convert your footage! I'm
one of the developers, and recently a user has added some excellent
instructions about DV and bottom-fields-first interlacing encoding on
our wiki: http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Dvsd_field_order_and_mplayer
We're adding his efforts into the code base.

It sounds like you have discovered some bugs in tovid as well, so
please post about your experiencies on the mailing list or the forum:


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