On Sunday 15 July 2007 08:49, Vit Stradal wrote:
> Hi,
> I have made a few small patches, which seems to me useful. I want to
> share them and (get them into svn of course :) I didn't find some
> HOWTO-submit so I try it to send it here, but if there is some more
> official way please tell me.
> Patches can be found at:
> http://vitas.matfyz.cz/cin/
> Short description:
> toggle-editmode.patch
>       shorcut 'e' togles editmode (IBEAM, ARROW)


> ctr-wheel-horizontal-scroll.patch
>       ctr-wheel scroll horizontal in timeline


> clipedit-select-title.patch
>       when editing or creating clip, title is selected, so default
>       title can be erased by single writing new title


> altN-windows.patch
>       focus windows by shortcut:
>       Alt-1 viewer, Alt-2 assets, Alt-3 clip window

Not applied. The Window menu has more entries. Why do you not also give 
accelerators to Show Overlays and Show Levels? There's also a left-over 
debugging printf.

Have you investigated whether this could be implemented using the standard 
menu accelerator framework instead of explicitly catching keypresses?

> group.patch
>       patchs can be grouped, ctr-click set edit|play|view... flag
>       for all patchs in group (by one click)

Not applied because I don't know what this is good for. Please provide at 
least a description that is good for a commit message.

Contains *new* commented-out code, some of it printfs. What for?
Contains a hunk refering to the keypress_event_global(). Shouldn't this belong 
to the above patch?

Thanks a lot for the contribution. I'd be grateful if you could look into the 
remaining issue. Would you mind using git and provide the patches in cehteh's 
mob repository at git://git.pipapo.org/cinelerra/mob.

-- Hannes

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