Op dinsdag 07-08-2007 om 13:31 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Roland:
> Hi all,
> There are a lot of blogs and sites web on video under GNU/Linux station
> and some on Cinelerra on the web. A blog on Cinelerra with a link on the
> "official  unofficial version site web" would distinguish it from
> others.  As I said, I was thinking about a place to make people know
> there are other users of the software (by their blogs, their
> productions, their howtos, their patches on the code, or their coding of
> the code).
> To make something like that we have 3 solutions:
> 1: A place on the server where cvs.cinelerra.org is hosted (solution I
> prefer). But I don't know if it's possible. Maybe there are not enough
> place.
> 2: The Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof's solution (solution I like): "I can
> offer hosting of a wordpress/drupal system on my webserver, no
> problem". (Thanks for your offer). This solution could permit us to have
> our own blog solution (adding plugin, own style of interface, own choice
> of blog software, own design). This solution is a better one too if you
> need to change the web host, to save and keep all contents in archives,
> upgrade or changing the system easily. Jeroen can you tell us how this
> would be possible? how much place could you give us? Is this a sure and
> trusted option? Can you give us more details on the hosting. What is a
> dedicated server in a datacenter?

I rent a complete server that is located in a datacenter and i am the
only one using this server. It has a fast connection (up and down) and i
can  decide how much room can be used for the Cinelerra blog. I think
it's best to put the video on youtube like systems, so the room needed
on my server is limited. When you use a content management system like
Wordpress, it is pretty easy to move the complete website because the
only thing you have to do is copy the files and the database. Don't
worry about the space available, at the moment i have several gb's

> 3: A free blog, (blogger.com or on other free plateform blog). I like
> this solution less because of all the reasons listed in the #2. However
> I agree, it is a quick and good solution to begin.
> 4 (yes I know): Another solution proposed by goibhniu is to aggregates
> all feeds coming from selected cinelerra's blogs. This will be a good
> solution when the community become as active as the others listed on
> planetplanet.com. Your other proposal to have a cinelerra's productions
> channel on miro software is cool (imo), we can investigate on this.
> Hosting is just a part of the weblog creation. We need contributors (as
> Valentina says) to write articles, id est some sentences (not a lot just
> one or two just to present the work of another user). This is how I see
> this blog. By now we could post an announce on the cvs.cinelerra.org :
> "Publishers WANTED!".
> With regards,
> Roland C.
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