
Following up on an earlier post (I've been searching for something which
can lift the framerate of my video, and interpolate the motion between

After several days on and off searching and trying stuff, I've found
something that seems to work.


It's called yuvmotionfps, and can perform arbitrary framerate
conversion. The added frames are not just pixel interpolations, as with
the Cin 'interpolate frames' plugin. Instead, this program actually
detects motion, and comes up with some really good interpolation. Could
even be used for some slowmo.


 - input files have to be progressive yuv - which can be hundreds of
   megs per minute of video - so make sure you've got lots of free space
   on your hdd

 - if you set the search radius too low, more rapid motion can be blurry

 - if the input video has too much radical motion, yuvmotionfps can go
   off the rails and generate useless spastic video full of jerks and

Usage Example - what I've done with my own video

 - load up some raw video into Cin - in my case, a file orig.avi
   which is mjpeg, 640x480, 13.1fps

 - make sure Cin's framerate matches this raw video

 - trim off the rubbish from beginning and end

 - render out to a file - I've used a quicktime vid, mjpeg, highest

 - convert this rendered video to yuv:

   ffmpeg -i orig.mov -f yuv4mpegpipe -b 5000 -vcodec pgmyuv orig.yuv

 - run yuvmotionfps to upgrade the frame rate, with interpolation:

   yuvmotionfps -r 25:1 < orig.yuv > orig-25.yuv

 - reduce this massive file in size, by converting to a .mov with
   high-quality mpeg4 compression:

   ffmpeg -i orig-25.yuv -f mov -vcodec mpeg4 -b 5000 orig-25.mov
 - delete the bloated intermediate files:

   rm orig-25.yuv orig.yuv

 - set cin's framerate to the framerate of the converted video, 25fps
   in this case

 - load up orig-25.mov into Cin, and edit as normal

Hope this helps others as much as it's helping me.


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