Thanks for sharing David. Sorry I have not had time to work on this more.

On 8/11/07, David McNab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Following up on an earlier post (I've been searching for something which
> can lift the framerate of my video, and interpolate the motion between
> frames).
> After several days on and off searching and trying stuff, I've found
> something that seems to work.
> It's called yuvmotionfps, and can perform arbitrary framerate
> conversion. The added frames are not just pixel interpolations, as with
> the Cin 'interpolate frames' plugin. Instead, this program actually
> detects motion, and comes up with some really good interpolation. Could
> even be used for some slowmo.
> Downsides:
>  - input files have to be progressive yuv - which can be hundreds of
>    megs per minute of video - so make sure you've got lots of free space
>    on your hdd
>  - if you set the search radius too low, more rapid motion can be blurry
>  - if the input video has too much radical motion, yuvmotionfps can go
>    off the rails and generate useless spastic video full of jerks and
>    shudders
> Usage Example - what I've done with my own video
>  - load up some raw video into Cin - in my case, a file orig.avi
>    which is mjpeg, 640x480, 13.1fps
>  - make sure Cin's framerate matches this raw video
>  - trim off the rubbish from beginning and end
>  - render out to a file - I've used a quicktime vid, mjpeg, highest
>    quality
>  - convert this rendered video to yuv:
>    ffmpeg -i -f yuv4mpegpipe -b 5000 -vcodec pgmyuv orig.yuv
>  - run yuvmotionfps to upgrade the frame rate, with interpolation:
>    yuvmotionfps -r 25:1 < orig.yuv > orig-25.yuv
>  - reduce this massive file in size, by converting to a .mov with
>    high-quality mpeg4 compression:
>    ffmpeg -i orig-25.yuv -f mov -vcodec mpeg4 -b 5000
>  - delete the bloated intermediate files:
>    rm orig-25.yuv orig.yuv
>  - set cin's framerate to the framerate of the converted video, 25fps
>    in this case
>  - load up into Cin, and edit as normal
> Hope this helps others as much as it's helping me.
> Cheers
> David
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