Seeings as people have expressed an interest in getting scripting going, I have 
put together some documentation explaining what it's all about. The 
documentation is actually in my master branch - but I have reproduced chapter 
24 so that you know what's going on.

 24. FICL 

FICL (Forth Inspired Command Language) is a way to script your
Cinelerra programs. It was introduced in August 2007 by Mark Carter -
and as at that date, very little support for the internals of
Cinelerra is available. It does, however, incorporate a full Forth
programming language lightly adapted from the original FICL project:

 24.1 Getting FICL 

The fact that you are reading about FICL suggests that it has already
been included in with your version of Cinelerra. However, in case not,
as at 24 August 2007, you can get the FICL-enhanced version of
Cinelerra by checking out Mark Carter's git branch over at cehteh's
site. An introduction to git as it pertains to Cinelerra is available at 

The command you are most likely to want to use to checkout the branch
is something along the lines of:

git clone git:// cinelerra-mcarter

You will then need to compile it “in the usual way”. You can also
view a history of commits by looking at;a=summary.

In order to get the benefit of FICL, you must start Cinelerra from the console.

 24.2 User startup script 

When Cinelerra starts, it searches for a file called
~/.cinelerra/ i.e. a regular file below your home
directory. The file should contain Forth commands that ficl

 24.2.1 Example startup script 

To see FICL in action starting up, create the file in
the directory indicated above, containing the text:


You should see the text in capitals appear in the console. There you go!

 24.3 Invoking the FICL REPL 

“REPL” is the read-eval-print-loop, which allows you to interact
with Cinelerra from the console. To start the REPL, select menu item
File > Ficl Repl. This will cause Cinelerra to “freeze” as it drops
down to Ficl. In the console, you should be able to see the prompt


You can type Ficl commands. For example, you could type the command
that is listed above, and you will get the same response. When you
have finished interacting with the repl, and want to return to regular
Cinelerra usage, type


 24.4 Ficl words 

Forth refers to “commands” as “words”. A non-exhaustive list of
the words that Ficl understands is given below.

 24.4.1 bye ( – ) Ficl 

Quit Ficl.

 24.4.2 goto-start ( – ) Cinelerra 

Moves the frame cursor right to the beginning of Cinelerra's main
window. (FIXME - be more terminoligically (??) precise).

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