hi all,
well, this is the email list about the cinelerra-cv ;)
could you try it?

cinelerra-hv works out of box.

rafael diniz

> Right.  My point here was that I *didn't* have to use your patch to prevent
> the splash screen lockup - I'm running stock Cinelerra-HV with my trivial
> Makefile patches so it could build.  This puzzles me somewhat since it
> suggests that the cause of the lockup is dependent on other external issue
> which perhaps is exasperated by glibc 2.5.  What it might be however is a
> total mystery to me.

> Hmm, ok.  I *think* slack 12.0's default kernel is now compiled for SMP,
> and the machine I'm running on is also compiled for SMP (CPU is a
> dual-core). Excepting some obscure kernel issue that's been recently fixed
> (or an HV/CV difference) the environment should therefore be almost exactly
> the same, so it's a bit puzzling why I don't see the lockup and you do.

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