Hash: SHA512

Currently I still have the problem on my iBook that I cannot play files.

For DV it starts with a colourspace problem the video becomes pink/green
(first frame) and doesn't play. So I thought to outsmart Cinelerra and
quickly to convert the video to MPG. Then the first frame in the viewer
*IS* right, but when I try to play it crashes on mpeg3io_open_file.

Next outsmart step was to remove the audio track from the mpg file, and
yes this will result in some motion.

Obviously both issues suck, but the last one is just plain wrong.
Therefore I wonder when the decoding stuff gets replaced (once and for
all) by ffmpeg components.

I attached both errors in my e-mail. If bugzilla is required I'll post
them there too...

Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Cinelerra is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License,
and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under
certain conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for Cinelerra.
signal_entry: got SIGSEGV my pid=6605 execution table size=5:
    bchash.C: copy_from: 255
    bchash.C: copy_from: 258
    bchash.C: copy_from: 267
    vrender.C: run: 416
    vrender.C: run: 427
    bchash.C: copy_from: 267
    FileDV::read_frame 1
    FileDV::read_frame 10
    FileDV::read_frame 20
    FileDV::read_frame 69
signal_entry: lock table size=16
    0x10b5b408 CWindowTool::input_lock CWindowTool::run 
    0x1053bb88 BC_Synchronous::next_command BC_Synchronous::run 
    0x10c0bc88 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run 
    0x10c69068 ResourceThread::draw_lock ResourceThread::run 
    0x10c0c218 MainIndexes::input_lock MainIndexes::run 1 
    0x10c99c98 BC_Repeater::pause_lock BC_Repeater::run 
    0x10b93778 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x109b5b90 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10b803f0 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10c0e018 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10c9b2b0 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10acec30 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10cd0a70 AudioDevice::play_lock AudioDevice::run 1 
    0x10e937e0 RenderEngine::first_frame_lock VirtualAConsole::process_buffer 
    0x10b7eda0 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run 
    0x10e1fad0 LoadClient::input_lock LoadClient::run 
BC_Signals::dump_buffers: buffer table size=0
BC_Signals::delete_temps: deleting 0 temp files
SigHandler::signal_handler total files=0

Cinelerra 2.1CV  Gentoo - SVN r1015 (C) 2006 Heroine Virtual Ltd.
External ffmpeg
Compiled on Thu Sep 20 02:00:14 CEST 2007

Cinelerra is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License,
and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under
certain conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for Cinelerra.
mpeg3io_open_file: No such file or directory
signal_entry: got SIGSEGV my pid=6687 execution table size=16:
    vrender.C: run: 555
    filempeg.C: open_file: 164
    vrender.C: run: 414
    vrender.C: process_buffer: 103
    vrender.C: process_buffer: 113
    bchash.C: copy_from: 255
    bchash.C: copy_from: 258
    bchash.C: copy_from: 267
    filempeg.C: read_frame: 1161
    filempeg.C: read_frame: 1167
    filempeg.C: read_frame: 1196
    bchash.C: copy_from: 255
    bchash.C: copy_from: 258
    bchash.C: copy_from: 267
    vrender.C: run: 416
    vrender.C: run: 427
signal_entry: lock table size=17
    0x10b632b8 CWindowTool::input_lock CWindowTool::run 
    0x1053bb88 BC_Synchronous::next_command BC_Synchronous::run 
    0x10c136a0 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run 
    0x10c721a0 ResourceThread::draw_lock ResourceThread::run 
    0x10c13cd8 MainIndexes::input_lock MainIndexes::run 1 
    0x10d05770 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10b9b5b8 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x109bd680 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10b88280 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10ca2de8 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10538588 AudioDevice::play_lock AudioDevice::run 1 
    0x10d3a600 CICache::total_lock CICache::check_out *
    0x10b86c30 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run 
    0x10ca17d0 BC_Repeater::pause_lock BC_Repeater::run 
    0x10ad66e0 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10c15ad8 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event 
    0x10d647e8 LoadClient::input_lock LoadClient::run 
BC_Signals::dump_buffers: buffer table size=0
BC_Signals::delete_temps: deleting 0 temp files
SigHandler::signal_handler total files=0

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