On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 12:25:46 +0100, dooteo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I translated Cinelerra CV to Basque language: PO file and manual are
translated. PO file was translated from the scratch, using GNOME and
OpenOffice.org terminology and translation style.

So where should I submit translated files?

 Here, if you gzip it to less than 40 KB (otherwise, I'll have to
accept them manually)

By the other hand, some translated messages are cutted in the interface.

 Yeah, that sucks.  That is not likely to change any time soon.

For example, "Aspect ratio:" is translated as "Aspektu-erlazioa:", so
there is not enough space in the dialog to appear as it is.
Unfortunatly, is not easy to reduce translated message without loss it
meaning, I mean "Erlazioa" could fit fine, but it only expresses
'Ratio'... And "Ratio" could be understand like compress ratio, aspect
ratio or other kind of ratio.

Any suggest about this matter?

 Does "aspect" really mean anything to the common Basque speaker?
The Norwegian term is "sideforhold", which literally means "side/edge
proportion".  That's what aspect ratio is; the proportion between
width and height.

 If there is no way you could make a new term in Basque that will be
obvious to native speakers, then "width/height" may be the best cop-
out.  If that's not too long in Basque...

Herman Robak

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