On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 20:23:03 +0100, Thomas H. George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am a complete newbie at video editing but have managed to patch some clips together. I would like them to start following several seconds of a title screen. I have read the title section in the manual and found the title icon in Cinelerra:Resources/video effects but the mechanics of using this escape me. I read the HOWTO: Professional-Looking Scrolled Credits in Cinelerra and eventually produced a png file which I can load into Resources and then move to the viewer where it is displayed as white text on a black background. If I try to put this in a video track I just get a vertical bar.

My problem is certainly elementary and probably has been covered many times. If someone would point me toward an appropriate reference I would greatly appreciate it.

 By default, a still image is treated just like a video frame.
That is, it will be take up the same interval as one single video
frame on the timeline, typically 1/25 second or 1/30 second.

 Since still images don't have a native "duration", it is perfectly
OK to extend their duration by dragging the end of the vertical bar
you see on the timeline.  You may have to zoom the timeline view
until the bar gets a few pixels wide.  The view controls are at
the bottom of the timeline window.

 Variations of the question above come up from time to time.
Are there some hints that the GUI could give new users to make
this more discoverable? (apart from a "wizard" telling "You just
loaded a single image to the timeline." *sneer*)

Herman Robak

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