lör 2007-12-29 klockan 22:32 +0100 skrev Herman Robak:
> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 20:54:38 +0100, Martin Ahnelöv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
> > lör 2007-12-29 klockan 16:30 +0100 skrev Herman Robak:
> ...
> >>   Cinelerra could do "helpful" things that would aid some users
> >> but disorient others, like changing the zoom level whenever a
> >> small item is dropped on the timeline.  Any better suggestions?
> >>
> >
> > Yes, when dropping still images to the timeline, they could be one
> > second long by default (or rather, a user-defined length). How often do
> > you use images of one frame's length, anyway (if you aren't combining
> > multiple png's into a animation,
>   Well, you just pointed out a common usecase.  I'm not sure how smart
> it would be to try and make Cinelerra "clever" and have one behaviour
> if the user loads several files and another if the user only loads a
> single image.
>   I was more thinking of changing the view scroll and zoom so the user
> sees the image in a suitable size.

Well, I'm strongly against this idea. It's very easy to get lost if the
app suddenly decides to change zoom levels on it's own. One would
probably place the images/titles in a "silent area", and when the
timeline zooms in, the new user might belive that the whole project have
been wiped.

> > see the note about customisable length).
>   Cinelerra has a setting for this already, in the Preferences.
> But a better place for the setting would be the file load dialog.

I don't like save/load and other dialogs cluttered, but since cin isn't
the most uncluttered app around, and it nicely saves all these settings,
it would probably be a pretty good solution.


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