Hi Matt,

your post contains some points about "mindset" I want to respond to --
especially with regards to "Cin-3"

The Project? Some days ago you saw the first quasi-official mention
on the ML. It is just emerging as a project, and it /will/ be a project
separate from Cinelerra. It started out by some devs worrying about the
state of Cinelerra-2 project and code base. We first tried the "patching
and repairing" aproach, then the "rework some subsystem and bring in a
new spirit" aproach and -- now it evolves into a separate project.
Note: I don't blame anyone, I just say, this is what happened.

The Name? "Cin-3" is a placeholder until we have decided on a new name,
then we will do the renaming. Indeed, for all of us there /is/ a tight
connection to Cinelerra, because we are part of the community, use it
for our editing work (and will continue to do so). Moreover, some hint
in the name connecting it to "Cinema", "Film", "Video", "NLE" and 
"Linux" seems to be a good idea to start with. 
( and it should be female :-P )

> Honestly, it's depressing how
> many of the suggestions I've seen are still obviously trying hard to work
> in as many letters from "Cinelerra" as possible, and still calling it
> "Cinelerra 3" in the discussion of what official name to give it.  It's
> clear that in people's minds, it *is* Cinelerra 3, and the result of the
> naming discussion won't change how it's thought of.
Can you tell me please what's depressing with that?
Even if we often curse Cinelerra, because it crashes or hinders our work by
some features being designed in a limited and to simplistic fashion,
we should never forget it /is/ an achievement to have a complete editing
application which is basically usable for pro work. Would you have started
such a ambitious project 10 years ago from scratch? 

 - Cinelerra can work with uncompressed material, and enables you to
   work on MPEG material (eg. HDV) as a source format (not a delivery
 - Cinelerra gives you *total* control on what is happening with your
   video data. No "wizzard" or "cheat sheet" is patronising you, which
   is an absolute must for professional work.
 - Cinelerra has an compositing engine seemlessly integrated into the
   normal workflow. Together with the automation facility, you can build
   quite advanced processing chains "right in there" out of basic 
   building blocks (including the "pull" principle for rendering)

I don't want to loose this power and I don't want to change the fundamental
approach with regards to this points, and I don't see any reason to be
ashamed of following this route.

I understand, that from a users POV, you may not find much "killer
features" in our new project to start with. We even postponed GUI
discussions. We just want to unleash the power by removing obstacles.
The developer may note though, that this isn't possible without reconsidering,
reworking or even building from scratch almost all core parts of the 
because the problems Cinelerra is suffering from are not like "things" laying
around and waiting to be spotted and removed.

By following this route we will be able to build some real advanced 
features on top of it later on, to make it really open for all sorts
of extensions and to provide the guidance features and safe presets
Cinelerra is lacking, without the danger of limiting advancedd uses.

Hermann V.

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