On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Herman Robak wrote:
> > ...and you'd better remember to index the MPEG files with a separate
> > command-line program first, because otherwise it'll load them but they
> > won't actually work.
>   Now, this was remedied quite a long time ago, as Cinelerra actually
> indexes MPEG files automatically at load time now.  It works for me,
> honest!  Which version are you basing your observations on?

I'm not sure.  It's been a while since I tried to load an MPEG file, so if
it now auto-indexes, that's great, and I apologize for the confusion.

What I remember was from several years ago, when I wanted to load MPEG
files, and it did, but then seeking didn't work, and I had to read a whole
lot of unhelpful Web pages before I found out that even though loading an
MPEG file causes the file to appear on the timeline, that's actually the
wrong way to do it, and you have to use an undocumented command line
utility first and load its output instead of the MPEG directly.  If that
procedure no longer applies, nobody told me.

>   Well, as far as DV is concerned, the _codec_ DV works, if it's in an
> AVI or Quicktime container.  That's what libdv is used for.  Raw DV
> may still be broken.  I gave up using containerless DV long ago.

I don't have any DV files or equipment.  My comments there were based only
on the traffic I've seen on this mailing list.  It looks to me like "How
can I use raw (containerless) DV?" is pretty high up on the list of most
frequently asked questions, and the answer people get is "You can't." and
I don't think it's a good answer.  My guess on one reason people ask this
is that maybe they have a lot of raw DV files generated by other software.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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