On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 15:19:32 +0100, marquitux caballero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nah, come on! youtube is ment for ~3 min shitty home videos. If you want
high quality, use Vimeo, archive.org, or host it yourself.

Videos that does not take forever to load is more fun to watch. And
youtube will kill your well-mastered masterpiece anyway.

what is wrong? wy are all in this list so focused in NOT GOING WITH THE FLOW?

 Because "the flow" here is part of the problem.  Youtube molests videos
technically in several ways, and as several posters pointed out _there
are better free alternatives_, and some of them also use Flash streaming,
if that is a requirement.

 Cinelerra is not particulary suited for the iMovie and Pinnacle crowd,
so it would be downright wrong tell a Cinelerra user "sure, youtube is
what you want".  I consider it a Good Thing to say "you should rather
consider the alternatives" _first_, and then provide advice on how to
submit videos to youtube.

 The coders are in the end those who decide, and if they think "the flow"
is going the wrong way, they will likely ignore the flow, openly or covertly.
Because after all, coders have to maintain this software, and if they
don't like the way it's made and the way it works, they are less likely
to take care of it.  It's voluntary work, after all.  Setting us up to
get more broken and unmaintained code is not sustainable.

why donĀ“t you LISTEN? maybe having 2k or 4k is for not many users, but FLV and 3GP EXISTS, so if you plan to make a PROFESSIONAL tool, why not to listen what the people say?

 Mentioning 2k and 4k here is a straw man argument, since hardly anyone
on the list has ever mentioned it.  A youtube output/upload option was
actually on the "needs doing" list we jotted down last fall (posted by
Richard Spindler).  But hardly anyone is adding features to Cinelerra 2.1
now, so that's why you can't see whether we "listened" or not.

 And now, Marquitux, I ask _you_ to listen:

* Drop the capital letters.
* Drop the exclamations ("why don't you listen?!" etc.)
* Write less about your own assumptions and impressions,
 and stick to actual quotes and facts.

 This mailing list has over 500 (yes, five hundred) subscribers now.
And the traffic is getting high.  That calls for some extra courtesy
from  everyone writing to the maling list.  Please.

Herman Robak

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