>> Yes, but then youtube might transcode it once more to further degrade
>> quality :( I would be surprised if youtube takes flv files without
>> transcoding, since they have strict constraints regarding bitrate, imag=
> e
>> size etc.
>> I never uploaded to youtube, but If would, I would try to stay
>> closely below the filesize limit, i.e. encode as high quality as possib=
> le.
>> jpeg photo for example, if the duration is short enough.
>> Burkhard
> Nah, come on! youtube is ment for ~3 min shitty home videos. If you want
> high quality, use Vimeo, archive.org, or host it yourself.
> Videos that does not take forever to load is more fun to watch. And
> youtube will kill your well-mastered masterpiece anyway.

what is wrong? wy are all in this list so focused in NOT GOING WITH THE FLOW?
why don´t you LISTEN? maybe having 2k or 4k is for not many users, but FLV and 
3GP EXISTS, so if you plan to make a PROFESSIONAL tool, why not to listen what 
the people say?
you know what´s missing in Premiere PRO CS3 that could be GREAT if cinelerra 
could have? an option in the export window to DV or HDV (or wherever you use) 
and a FLV and 3GP checkbox, so if you are managing a political campain (for 
example), you could have in one render EVERYTHING YOU NEED, in several 
formats... maybe to connect your NLE pipeline to the web designer or to the 
release of a WML site...  maybe i don´t have to do it everyday, but come on! 
it´s just a internal commandline call (ffmpeg -i RENDEROUTPUT 
whererver..wherever--and file.flv ) but for the user that is IMPORTANT!!! who 
cares about YOUR opinion of the video quality, I may want to use FLV for my 
site, what do you suggest UNCOMPRESSED+alpka 4K???.

have you notice that FLV is EVERYWHERE? come on! LISTEN TO THE MARKET in this 
case TO THE USER, because they don´t pay... but if can´t use, you won´t get 
much users... and if this was paid soft, you will be flushed right away.

I hope that many people who consider themselves OPENSOURCE become more 
OPENMINDED, learn from other projects, BLENDER HAS A FFMPEG option to export 
into different formats.... would you have crippled that feature just because 

> You should just export your project to Mpeg and it should upload to you tube

that´s exactly what i do, but if you have MANY clips (like a month ago i had 15 
clips to upload, and MPEG is MUCH BIGGER THAN FLVs,so more time waiting).

I hope those OPINIONS become more frendly to the users who want to make you 
notice a missing feature or just suggest something, think about this... and 
learnd from BLENDER... users are very heard, and even they make movies and 

Don´t hate me, is that i hope to find more open people in the open world... 
sounds ironic isn´t it? unfortunately in many cases it´s true.
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