there are many ways of keeping this project funding, and keep it open but
remember, this is not an app to wrtite text, or a messenger or somethign
like that, if you want to make a PRO NLE, FOCUS ON THAT and who is going to
use it... many will use it for free, but if this works, I WOULD PAY FOR
COMPATIBLE CODECS AND EXTRA FEATURES in cinelerra,if that option extists.
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 10:19 PM, marquitux caballero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This thread has gone a bit OT but I agree with you Marquitux. Sometimes
barriers to FOSS solutions is the inability of a corporate structure  to
hang their hat on a solution without a (so nineties) support desk, Evan if
you never need it. I make money doing this stuff. I don't mind spending
money to make money. I would be thrilled to deploy Cin/Lumierra solutions
with a commercial support structure, Start a 501C3 (US) make a foundation
and hire a full time developer to wrangle this beast . I'm sure there is
more than one or two persons on this list that would be interested in that
position. Seldom if ever have I seen a question or problem go un addressed
on this or most any FOSS list but having someone to freak out on and get
something fixed now would be nice. I'd pay for that.
Kind Regards
Daniel Jircik

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