Richard Spindler wrote:
> While jack and pulse appear to try to solve the same problem, they
> actually do have different features.
> Pulse is designed for: Audio "consumption", and "light" desktop usage:
> Its for audio-players, for little plings and plongs, for making sure
> that your skype headset works, that you can listen to NIN while
> playing Doom, etc...
> Jack on the other hand is for Audio "Production", it is designed to be
> able to record all the fancy sounds that your software synth does in
> ardour, it is designed to dump all the streams from your 8-channel
> soundcard to disk, it is there to put every sound from your gigabytes
> of sound samples onto your speaker at the instant you press a key on
> your midi-keyboard. etc...
> For simple Video Editing and some lightweight audio stuff, both pulse
> and "jack" will work, and both "should" work, but keep in mind that
> some people will prefer jack for its advanced features, and some will
> prefer Pulse, because they want things to "just work", with a minimal
> amount of fuzz.

I stand corrected, then (thanks @Thorsten, too!). When doing serious
audio on POSIX in a portable way, Jack is the way to go, right?


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