
Am Samstag 12 April 2008 20:31:29 schrieb Wiebe Cazemier:
> I prefer to use the x11 video driver, as opposed to x11-xv,
> because the latter has flickering issues; for example when a
> track which is still covered by another track starts, there is
> a brief black-out, which is not there when rendering,
> frame-skipping, or when using x11 as driver. Additionally,
> when flickering, I keep seeing images of things I played
> before, with a completely different player. I guess it's still
> somewhere in the overlay buffer or something.

Which driver do you use for your graphics card? And when you play 
the rendered files on mplayer (not the PNG ones), is the 
brightness OK? Which -vo do you use there, x11 or xv?

Andreas, aka pseudoruprecht

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